A photo the other day, which was taken during the live chain demonstration for teachers, caused enormous indignation and consternation, and since then it has been circulating on social media platforms. In the photo, you can see that elementary school and junior high school children are standing in the ring designed by the organizers, in a tight row, holding hands, on the edge of the sidewalk, as directed by their teachers. The recording caused a national scandal because, according to the indications, six-, eight- and ten-year-old children (!) were used as props in a demonstration that started as a teachers' advocacy action, but turned into a political demonstration.

Because we should have no illusions, the teachers' demonstrations are not just about the teachers anymore. For example, Katalin Törley, the "vanguard" of the Tanítanék Movement, immediately appeared at their head, to whom Péter Márki-Zay offered millions in the so-called "strike cap" from the dollars coming to him from America. But the actor named NoÁr, who is now fighting for the teachers in the streets as a Che Guevara parody in his revolutionary fervor, also got involved right around the demonstrations. In order to achieve his goals, this figure was even capable of the villainy of publicly sacrificing an underage student girl, Lili Pankotai, by pushing her on stage, who, by cursing in front of the crowd, turned millions of well-meaning people against the high school students and teachers. And in the background, the Soros organizations, also supported by hundreds of millions of Americans, working to overthrow the government, Amnesty International and the Helsinki Committee waved the flag.

By the way, the above-mentioned NoÁr - whose wife, among other things, also operated a theater company with Soros money - also provided concrete evidence of how much this is no longer about the teachers. The giddy rascal declared in front of the cameras that the teachers would do the right thing if they actually called on everyone to stop work and the country would come to a standstill. And Katalin Törley is begging for money on social media to "stand up for teachers" to the account of the Marxist partisan Human Platform of Márton Gulyás, who is also supported by Soros. And then we didn't even talk about left-wing politicians taking selfies and speaking at demonstrations.

However, the biggest problem is not what these paid minute men say or do. The biggest problem, even a crime, is that in the meantime some of the teachers are being misled, and that the children are also involved in this circus. Of course, we are not primarily thinking of those university students who have been recruited into the experimental movements to overthrow the government, so that they can later be removed from the periphery of left-wing politics, as can be seen from our series of articles starting today. Who still remembers the Milla movement and Dorottya Karsay, the HaHa movement and Dóra Polgár, or Dániel Kalló from the so-called Independent Student Parliament?

Rather, we should worry about the minors who waved in the streets the other day and didn't even know that the Törley Katalins, the NoÁrs, the pseudo-interest defenders and the left only needed them as wallpaper. This is not only a vile and immoral method, but also seriously violates children's rights and UNICEF's recommendations in this regard. The child is an individual with basic human rights, own views and feelings, and therefore cannot be a factor that increases the popularity of political activity. This is not and cannot be justified even by volunteering or parental consent.

The teachers' demands are therefore legitimate and important, and they can freely demonstrate for them together with their sympathizers. However, the children are now really left alone!

Source: Hungarian Nation/Gyula Haraszti

Featured image: Infostart