A few days ago, the Latvian Defense Minister described it as treason that Hungary and Bulgaria do not provide assistance to Ukraine. Defense Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky responded to the accusations on his social media page:

I refuse that anyone condemns or threatens Hungary. We have the right to represent our national interest, peace. I respectfully recommend to my colleague Artis Pabriks to look up at the sky instead. The air policing of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania is carried out by the Hungarian Air Force in NATO. We will not tolerate unfair criticism of Hungary!

In an interview with Radio Free Europe's Russian-language program Current Time, Latvian Defense Minister Artis Pabriks sharply criticized the EU countries that refused military aid to the war-torn Ukraine.

The position of Bulgaria and Hungary is incomprehensible and tantamount to treason, the Minister of Defense stated.

He emphasized, "Ukraine is fighting for Europe, for democracy, for human rights, and if someone in Europe does not understand this, it goes against the interests of not only Ukraine, but also Latvia." He added: "if the countries concerned are members of the European Union and NATO, and they go against the interests of my country, what else is this than treason".

However, as Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky pointed out, four Gripen fighter jets of the Hungarian Defense Forces guard the Baltic airspace with a total of fifty Hungarian soldiers from the first of August to the end of November - now for the third time.

The joint permanent mission of the NATO member states, which has been operating since 2004, has the dual purpose of increasing the sense of security in the countries of the region - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - and developing the cooperation capabilities of the allied and partner forces.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Featured image: MH 59. Szentgyörgyi Dezső Air Base