It is appropriate to return to the symbolism every six months. At least every six months. For fun, for fun, if we have any influence on the proceedings anyway. Or because every process and connection has symbolic moments, and even if they seem small, they can be used to perceive just how the world has turned.

A few days after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, I wrote the essay "Symbols on the Eve of the Redistribution of the World" . What was the message of the West voluntarily kneeling in front of the memory of an African-American criminal, the performance of the German Minister of Defense, the mental state of the American president - which has since raised further questions, the way the USA withdrew from Afghanistan, the speech of the Ukrainian president turned comedian in Munich, PrayForUkraine mass exposure of profile pictures in a culture that has long ceased to believe in God, and so on.

So many symbols, so many messages, but he didn't even learn the jotto of the West. This can be seen from the fact that since February 24, since Putin ordered the military intervention in Ukraine, not a single day has passed without the Atlantic forces escalating the situation further. This is a proxy war at its best. The most lying war of the 21st century.

Let's up the ante, ladies and gentlemen, so we don't miss out on the world's burning! After all, who wouldn't want to turn 19 in the age of nuclear powers?

There is no shortage of symbols today. The Sakharov Prize of the Ukrainians driven to split consciousness is here, we can even start with this, at the moment the chronology does not divide or multiply anyway, so head-scratching, hesitant glances, is there no need to hate all Russians now? The President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, justified the decision of the most bizarre EU body by saying that

"the Ukrainian people are worthy of the award because "against the brutal regime that wants to undermine our democracy and divide the European Union" on the battlefield, they not only defend their home, autonomy, independence and territorial unity, but freedom, democracy, the rule of law and the European values ​​too".

Now even atheists can see that there are miracles. In the course of a single year, at the gates of hell, Ukraine matured into a model democracy, so the contents of the 2021 country report commissioned by the US State Department can only be evoked by malice; where are the illegal, arbitrary killings, including those committed by agents of the government, where are the life-threatening prison conditions, torture, random arrests, or the painful lack of an independent judiciary? Systematic violence against minorities is gone, there is no humiliation, and there never was any corruption. protective Ukrainians heroically armed Virgin Mary guarding them with a javelin.

Perish those who want peace, the time for negotiation is over, we would be stupid to discuss if it is possible to kill.

Peter Seaton, an Australian graffiti artist, was also turned upside down by the wall, when the Ukrainians had a democratic nervous breakdown after seeing his mural depicting reconciliation, which cost a few thousand dollars, and immediately destroyed it. But so did the thirty American Democratic representatives who, in a naive letter, drew the attention of the deep state, sorry, uncle Joe, to the hitherto unexploited diplomatic opportunities. 24 hours. That's how long it took for these thirty people to back out of the scandal in the midst of awkward explanations - how else to negotiate!

Hofi also said that year, didn't he? What is the difference between terrorist organizations and democracies. Terrorist organizations usually take responsibility for their bombings.

Or didn't he say that?

Whatever. It doesn't matter who made a jacuzzi out of the Baltic Sea, if the liberal press doesn't write a thousand articles about it, it might not have happened.

In any case, war hysteria is also present in Central Europe, for this is the essence of pacifism; let the fake blood flow, let the Russian perish. Czech Interior Minister Vít Rakušan, for example, casually stuffed the tsar himself into a body bag , then hung it on the wall of his ministry, wedged between a Czech and a Ukrainian flag. These are the Czechs! They can live.

It's a shame that Rakušan's performance was outbid by the Europeans long before that.

Instead of Prague, artificial blood was spilled in Warsaw, it ran down the face of the Russian ambassador Sergey Andreyev, it also got to the crew, and to the wife, the mob raged while announcing on a sign: all Russians are guilty. Um. Would we be surprised if, within a few weeks, it turned out that poor Sakharov was not Russian at all, but a native Ukrainian?

According to the European mob, the ambassador had no right to bring flowers to the military cemetery, he had no right to commemorate the victims of the Second World War. The country that gave the world Karol Józef Wojtyła recently assisted in the public humiliation of a Russian diplomat, and the Polish law enforcement agencies did not prevent it. I wonder what the holy pope would have said to this?

One thing is for sure: we are behind. There is no mass war psychosis here, and no shortage of gas. We only got the rest, again: another female student - but why not a boy? – his self-serving, rabbit-like text framed by political pedophilia, invoked from an iPhone. Because it's crazy already. And the pedagogy rocking the blushing little girl nods, but it doesn't occur to them that this is also their own failure. Self-reflection nuku, the king is naked; only when the fuck was said did the grund roar.

"In happier times, the zeitgeist was still somehow . He had a character, one way or another, he claimed something. The predicate was present in it, as Pilinszky writes. The current zeitgeist can be recognized by the fact that it is empty. Linguistically empty, figuratively empty, conceptually empty. It does not assert anything, and what it asserts is also empty and meaningless. It comes from nowhere and goes nowhere, and in fact it is not present because it is empty. His demonic trait is due to this. That it is present everywhere, that it seeps everywhere, while being empty and non-existent. That's what's new about it, that's what makes it so chilling."

The mysterious Zeitgeist, the elusive but all the more present phenomenon.

And this idiosyncratic zeitgeist wants a change of government in Hungary without an alternative capable of governing.

This is the domestic version. And don't advertise! No one said a symbol had to be logical.

The Telex journalist who portrayed the DK congress in this way ; yes, you read that right: Telex's. You remember? Don't look for logic in symbols!

 "This is the first war in world history that caused serious problems even before it broke out, and after that the attacked party did not fare badly, but only the neighboring country."

In addition, the Russians have the first army that is so weak that the brave Ukrainian fighters can cut it to pieces at any time, and at the same time, it is so strong that it will march to Lisbon at the sound of the whistle.

Sakharov Prize all in one , democratic terrorism, the Virgin Mary in arms, artificial blood, and Putin, whose corpse the Enlightenment fantasizes about. And this is only the 251st day of the war.

Featured image: 2022plus graphics