In Hungary, the number of pregnancy terminations is constantly decreasing, and today it is less than a quarter of the level at the time of the regime change. However, if we examine the last sixty-six years, we get a shocking number - writes Piroska Szalai in the Mandiner weekly.

From the liberalization of abortion in 1956 to 2021, 8.25 million children were born and 6.08 million abortions were performed under legal circumstances, according to the records of the Central Statistics Office. This loss is four times the human loss we suffered in the two world wars, which was estimated at 1.5 million.

Between 1959 and 1973, far more abortions were performed than children were born"

Although there is no doubt that abortion is not a means of family planning, in the last sixty-six years and still today, many people think differently about it. All people, women and men alike, have the right to make their own decisions about their lives and their bodies.

However, an aborted fetus is not a collection of the mother's cells, as extreme feminists claim. Among other things, not because the basis of human biology is that human life has an independent DNA, a unique genome, from the moment of conception.

The sixty-six years that have passed since the legalization of abortion are half to the period of the communist system and the democratic rule of law - in the study prepared at the request of the Szent István Institute in connection with the anniversary, we wanted to present with data and graphs a factual approach the processes and measures that influenced abortions and the number of births, i.e. the decision of women and families on whether to undertake the birth of the conceived child.

It is an indisputable fact that the number of abortions in our country is constantly decreasing, and today it is less than a quarter of the level at the time of the regime change.

The planned and expected children are born there, where the parents feel sufficiently financially secure and consider their financial prospects adequate for the following years as well. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has repeatedly stated that the government must pay attention to the fact that having children in Hungary is an advantage and not a disadvantage in a financial sense.

We have inherited a painfully heavy burden from previous generations. Based on the statistics, we can conclude that almost every family must have at least one abortion in their past. These are even too close examples, the memories, social and personal losses, unspoken dramatic stories live with us in our family. This is supported by the often extreme opposing opinions arising in connection with the "heart sound decree", which will enter into force on September 15, 2022. It would be nice if we were the generation that heals the social wounds, that does not pass on this historical burden to today's young people, and dares to show the love and dignity of life. It's not easy, but it's a more important and beautiful mission.

Source and full article and image: Mandiner