Hungary has the world's fifth largest thermal water resource, said Sándor Lezsák, the vice-president of the Parliament, at the opening of the general assembly of the Hungarian Balneology Association in Lakitele on Friday.

Medicinal water in the Carpathian basin is a "treasure, hungaricum, specific, unique, and of extraordinary value". Lakitelek has joined the ranks of such prestigious spas as Harkány, Hajdúszoboszló, Mórahalom, Szolnok, Gyula, Hévíz, Bükkfürdő and Mezőkövesd - listed the Fidesz politician.

The medicinal water of Lakitelek is also beneficial for joint complaints caused by wear and tear, and for relieving the associated muscle tension, he said.

He said that the Hungarikum Liget, which provides the venue for the assembly, nurtures the traditions of the Carpathian Basin and preserves Hungarian values ​​in an organic unity with the Lakitelek People's University.

He pointed out: With Trianon, they took not only two-thirds of the Hungarian territories, but also two-thirds of the spas that were operating at the time. The chances of establishing spas after the Second World War were also increased by the search for petroleum deposits, many sources of medicinal water were found instead of petroleum, he said.

On January 1, 2000, one hundred and fifty thermal and spa baths were operating in Hungary, he said.

He added: the "secret" of the thermal water resource lies in the geological features of the Carpathian Basin. The earth's crust in the Carpathian basin is about ten kilometers thinner than the world average, so the hot magma is closer to the earth's surface, so hot water can be obtained from a much smaller depth than in other parts of the continent, he explained. According to him, not only the water heals in Lakitelek, but also the environment created in the last three decades.

Katalin Nagy, the president of the Hungarian Balneology Association, said that the leading balneologists of Europe and Hungarian balneologists from across the border will also participate in the convention. A round table discussion on the situation of Hungarian spas is planned, and a sports-physiotherapy block will add color to the program of this year's assembly, he said.

Gabriella Kalics, the medical manager of Ligetszépe Gyógyászat, called the work performed at an increasingly high standard with dedication as their goal. They can share joint research results at the conference, he said.


Picture: Róbert Hegedűs