The Lendvaildics of our time call themselves "fact checkers". They sift through the facts for us. To get only the good facts, not the bad ones. The fact that they insist it is is wrong. They serve and filter.

One of their domestic deposits is called Litmus.

What a surprise: the brigade was made up of bloggers on Uncle Gyuri Soros' payroll.

They are the guarantee of factuality, impartiality, and authenticity. They started their blessed activities before this year's parliamentary elections. (After all, it was to save what could be saved - it didn't work out.)

The European Commission immediately recapitalized them with approximately 120 million forints of EU public money, so that the actual weeding could go more smoothly. In these few months, they have already managed to get a lot of fans.

Their latest fact-checking will also be very divisive, it can already be seen. Title: "The danger exists, but there is no evidence that Western weapons intended for Ukraine have fallen into the hands of criminals."

He is talking about what the V4NA news agency and the Magyar Nemzet have reported several times: there is a danger that Western arms deliveries to Ukraine will end up on the black market. On the other hand, Nóra Diószegi-Horváth, who is litmus test-444, points out with the rigor of a teacher: "Although attention was repeatedly drawn from Finland at the end of October to the danger of illegal arms trade, clear evidence has still not been made public."

The full article of Magyar Nemzet can be read here.

Image: Lakmusz employees (Facebook)