Anna Jókai Memorial Party will be held on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of her birth on November 23, 2022 at 7 p.m. in the Benczúr House Ballroom. (1068 Budapest Benczúr u. 27.)

Contributors: Angela Császár and Ildikó Hűvösvölgyi

The focus of the commemorative evening is her autobiographical work, Átlitätnings, from which you can learn about her literary and public life career in her own words. In addition, excerpts from his novel Ne féljetek, his other prose writings, as well as his two poems, Prayer for Hungary and Prayer before 2000, are presented.

The entrance ticket is HUF 3,000, which can be purchased on the website at the following link: 141532

and can be requested at the e-mail address

Featured image source: Wikimedia Commons / Róbert Vadas (Vadaro)