In several different scenes of the video showing Hungary's most beautiful landscapes and tourist attractions, the viewers are convinced that Fidesz is "stealing the country". Meanwhile, it was Momentum that stole the film from MTÜ and used it for its own purposes without asking permission from the company.

This attitude is not far from the opposition party. It is well known: companies connected to Momentum's EP representative, Katalin Cseh, had access to a total of HUF 4.8 billion in EU tender funds. In this case, the NAV launched an investigation against an unknown perpetrator due to the suspicion of budget fraud causing significant financial losses, and the EU's anti-fraud office, OLAF also started an investigation.

In the complicated case, the family companies connected to Katalin Cseh were able to change the locations of the members of the company network in order to more easily get access to EU tender funds, while they also won multi-million EU tenders with a printing technology that had been patented for several years.

By the way, Mandiner wrote yesterday that Sándor Szaniszló, mayor of DK, and László Petrovai, his immediate deputy, would build an industrial park in the 18th century. in the immediate neighborhood of apartments in Ganzkertváros, Ganztelep and Almáskert, referred to as the Rose Hill of the district, but the residents do not want an industrial park in their neck of the woods, so in a few days about eight hundred protest signatures were collected against the project.

Source: MH

Featured image: MTI/Tibor Illyés