The respected public could receive the publication advertising the opposition in a four-page leaflet. As the title, we can see the thought-provoking title choice The Alliance of the Future.

It's strange, but until now they have proclaimed that they are the indissoluble community of the present. Of course, it is also true that this alliance is visibly and even audibly made up of parties hammered together with rusty nails, from which every now and then a pillar falls. The supporting main pillar is not immune to maintenance. The DK boss is forced to perform the technical magic of undermining every day until the elections.

Compared to the others, his situation is easy, the robbery privatization provided a secure financial basis, and he took the Habsburg-style slogan "marry and rule" seriously. The Apró family also created money, money and weapons for Gy. F., with which he was able to gain power in a coup d'état and carry out his country-damaging activities. Yes, it is the worst thing when someone is untalented, but also self-centeredly hardworking. The "boss" took a good look at the dense web of corruption and willingly accepted party subsidies from who knows where. He was also no stranger to creative accounting.

The subtitle of the leaflet is Change of Government 2022. This reminds us of "even goats like to dream with cabbage". On the front page of the publication, probably after a long selection, "Mini Feri" tries to counterbalance the false personality of the opposition's common representative candidate Miklós Hajnal, who received his economics degree from none other than himself. The slogan of the forced duet campaign: "May Hungary belong to all of us!" Let's face it, this is a more modest formulation from the mouth of the opposition than the slogan of the newspaper Szabad Nép: "Proletarians of the world unite!"

Márky-Zay sends a message: "Don't let Fidesz look stupid!" The clone forgets that his boss, Ferenc Gyurcsány, considered the Hungarian people stupid in 2006. He falsified the country's balance sheet, thereby defrauding the officials of the European Union, who were not forgiving by chance. It was just icing on the cake when he shouted to the world: "We lied morning, night and night." "Mini Feri", the new super-egoist, is and will be confronted every day with his sentences that are slowly humiliating everyone, which, quoted word for word, reveal the real intention of the opposition, the deception of the voters.

Hungarian voters are not stupid, in the countryside and in Budapest you can clearly see whose hand is stronger. It is enough to look only at the developments of Városháza-gate, or even at the generous support of Bige's cartel suspect.

According to Márky-Zay, only he can offer hope to the poor in Hungary. The "poor" put up to HUF 30,000 in his pocket, from which he was able to finance a 50 million Facebook campaign from his personal account. In his forgetfulness, he did not handle the money in accordance with the law. His campaign's money management is beginning to resemble the suspicious financing of Soros' NGOs and some left-wing media.

Could we also talk about what kind of services must be performed for the subsidies coming from abroad? Who checks the money transfers coming to Hungary from the fundraising company Benevity and thus the possible tax evasion of individuals called philanthropists? The financial background of bitcoin redemptions can also seem exciting. In such cases, the story of the secret vault of the MSZP or the VII. Bitcoin mining took place at the district municipality.

The leaflet reads: "Hungary belongs to everyone." However, this does not mean that the opposition sells out the nation according to its own needs. It is harmful to cooperate with those friends of principle in Brussels, who would open the gates of the border fence to illegal immigrants, would give free space to the Brussels social liberals advocating LGBTQ, to deprive Hungarian parents of their right to education.

Conclusion: what belongs to all of us does not belong to the opposition. Private property and public property could only be the same for robber privatizers and fraudulent dreamers of foreign currency loans.

CÖF-CÖKA believes that for the sake of all Hungarians, before the parliamentary elections, the real truth must be made known to the diligent and wise voters, in the countryside, in Budapest and beyond the border. The soon to be published report of the Civil Justice Committee serves this purpose. From this we will see that we must cleanse our future of the shadows of the past.

As citizens of the European Union, as NATO allies, we raise the flag of spiritual national defense high with hard debates, possible compromises, and a Hungarian heart. On our upcoming national holiday on March 15, let's celebrate and remember with the Peace March with the civic courage of living love, with an unprecedented crowd. Let us show Europe that we see the future of the union in the unity of sovereign nations, together with our Italian, Polish and Spanish European citizens coming to our country.

P.S.: Returning to the opposition's leaflet, let's make people aware that they are not the future, but the fuzzed-up alliance of the past.

The author is the founding president of CÖF-CÖKA

Source: MH