Regardless of religious affiliation, the series of musical events of the Kelenföld Baroque Evenings invites and awaits not only music lovers. The cultural event, which is accessible to everyone free of charge, has been playing the majestic music of the Baroque for twenty-three years now, which is hosted by the Kelenföld Református Egyházközség church in Budapest. In the video, they talk to Csilla Alföldy-Boruss, the artistic director of the Kelenföld Barokk Esték concert series, who confesses that these pieces of music were created to emphasize the word.
The last Advent concert of the Kelenföld Baroque Evenings will be held on Saturday, December 3, 2022, starting at 5:00 p.m. in the church of the Kelenföld Reformed Parish.
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