On Monday's broadcast of M5, "Here's the Question", they talked about the spread of Christian popular music and its influence in it, with performers Gabi Tóth, Attila Dolhai and Jonathan Jota Andelic.

The acceptance of Gabi Tóth's faith is still a topic, so it's no wonder that most of the press took a click-bait view of the said program, which deals almost exclusively with the singer in a positive or negative aspect, even though the conversation dissects an important topic that makes the the artist was targeted.

In my opinion, the majority of people still believe that a Christian lives a spotless life, and if he deviates from this, he should no longer call himself a believer. However, the religion that in its Bible says Jesus makes wine from water, I don't think it looks down on young people at festivals - or on Gabi Tóth when she's sexier in the spotlight.

We are not born a believer, but become one during the events of our existence, which can be punctuated not only by divine perfection, but also by many mistakes - the question is whether we learn from these stumbles or not.

In the aforementioned program, Jota stated that Christianity is a series of "conversions". In his opinion, education is only the beginning, "everyone knows how to be a Christian, I just want to see how he reacts when he is in the situation and maybe meets the situations".

The singer said that he responds to certain life situations from the heart, even if it means that he is fed up with his faith or God, but he still believes that God is not embarrassed by this.

The presenter emphasized that Mother Teresa of Calcutta also had a decade when she became uncertain about the existence of God after seeing so much misery, but the Creator is not uncertain about her or anyone else.

the entire Sunday article here.

Author: Franciska Janó-Veilandics

Image: Youtube