At this evening's performance of the Várkert Bazaar, titled "O bright, beautiful dawn...", the Szeklers of Bukovina will revive the most beautiful folk customs of the Christmas season from Advent to Epiphany with songs, dances, stories and nativity plays.

The most common folk custom on Christmas Eve is "singing", chanting. The sacred game of Bukovina Székely Christmases, the Hadikfalvi nativity scene, can be heard performed by the Érdi Bukovina Székely Folk Choir and its soloists.

In the evening, a game referring to the carnival will also be shown: the singing of the Girls will be presented by the Cédrus Folk Dance Ensemble, but folk artists Rozália Kóka, István Sebestyén and Éva Fábián will also interpret the sometimes funny and sometimes sublime stories of the Peasant's Bible related to the Advent holiday cycle.