Several domestic NGOs receive direct EU support, all of them connected to the Soros network. HUF 1.4 billion will be spent "on the protection and promotion of the rule of law, democracy, equality and human rights" by the Soros-like organizations, which are regularly present at anti-government movements and claim to be independent.

Several Hungarian associations linked to the Soros network, more precisely a four-member consortium led by the Ökotárs Foundation, whose members are the Autonomy Foundation, the Carpathian Foundation-Hungary and the Community Development Association, received almost one and a half billion forints in direct EU funds.

The news was announced a few days ago by Anna Donáth, EP representative of the Momentum Movement, on her social media page, declaring it all a success. According to his claim, the Hungarian government has been trying to make it impossible for "civilians" independent of it to operate for years, against which they have always acted with all possible means, from demonstrations through protest actions to speeches in the European Parliament.

"I considered it my personal mission to fight for as many resources as possible for Hungarian civilians.

[…] The first success of my struggle came in December 2020: instead of 641 million, we managed to vote nearly one and a half billion euros to the citizens for projects dealing with European values, equal opportunities, civil rights and violence against women. The results of the work two years ago have now also reached Hungarian civilians. Four Hungarian NGOs received a total of HUF 1.4 billion from this fund. The money will be distributed among Hungarian civilians in the framework of a tender system," wrote Anna Donáth, who considers it a special success that "the EU distributes this support directly to civilians, without the intervention of the governments of the member states." "This gives Hungarian civil society access to independent resources that can be a lifesaver in terms of keeping European values ​​alive," said the current MEP representative.

The Ökotárs Foundation wrote in its announcement about the four-million-euro resource that, over the next three years, they will provide support through open tenders to "domestic citizens working for the protection and promotion of the rule of law, democracy, equality and human rights".

The above-mentioned

all four of the consortium are among the civilians supported by the Soros network, and their main activities include participation in anti-government demonstrations.

For example, after the April 2021 elections, the leader of the Ökotárs Foundation also spoke at the anti-government movement of the group We Are the Majority. Veronika Móra insisted that the Stop, Soros! in addition to organizations threatened with a bill.

When domestic civilians supported by Soros organized a demonstration due to the compensation lawsuits in Gyöngyöspat, in February 2020 the organizers of the demonstration were the Society for Freedom Rights (TASZ), the Idetartozunk Egyesület and the Free Court! In addition to Szabad Gyöngyöspata, the Autonomy Foundation, which currently enjoys 1.4 million HUF EU support, joined the demonstration.

Of course, in addition to the above-mentioned organizations, there are also plenty of Soros-type civil associations, whose representatives like to participate in anti-government movements. At the teacher demonstrations at the end of October, for example, Amnesty International directed the participants in the demonstration. In the street protests after the amendment of the Criminal Code Act, TASZ was the NGO that took advantage of the opportunity of the anti-government movement and "launched a hotline for the protection of rights".

Source: Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Origo