The book "We are united" has been completed, which shows CÖKA's 13-year work in writings and pictures. The management of CÖF-CÖKA will use the funds from the book to strengthen the further operation of the foundation.

Can the multitude of events, manifestations, meetings, protests, and opinions be collected in terms of content, by topic, or in some sort of chronological order? Of course not, it would only be possible arbitrarily. Well, nothing is further away from the people about whom this book is about than arbitrariness.

The publisher asks the dear reader to think of the book as a richly decorated sideboard, in which you can find essential accessories, tools, plates and glasses for serving on any everyday or festive occasion. "Open this book, dear reader, at any author, writing, line or image, you will surely experience one thing, namely that the power of community is the connecting material of the pages of this volume. Treat this album like you would a televised sporting event or theater performance. Because when you watch the players from the stands, or follow the events of the stage from the box, you can watch the movements of the third mourner during Hamlet's monologue. You can make the local ball-picking children care about their grief amid the joy of the opponent's goal. But broadcasts do not allow the viewer to do this. Our experience is shaped according to the director's intention. And the director strives for perfection by the best operation of the technical tools in his hands. This was also the intention of the editor of this book," wrote Gábor Méry, responsible publisher, about the book.

Source: Cöf-Cöka

Source: Cöf-Cöka

The book can be ordered at the following link: here

Source and featured image: Cök-Cöka