A well-known personality jr. Zoltán Lomnici, luckily I don't have to analyze and interpret and list his merits at length. First of all, of course, I strive to find out how and why he earned the status of Spiritual Defender of the Fatherland.

Nevertheless, it deserves to be noted that he is a constitutional lawyer, a lawyer, graduated from Pázmány Péter Catholic University, studied abroad, received a scholarship and participated in university education, and has a scientific degree.

At the same time, if you like, he is also a scholar of popular legal arguments, since he has to talk about constitutional or even international law issues in a way that a wide range of radio listeners and readers can understand. So jr. Zoltán Lomnici represents the combination of legal ethos, promotion and constitutional legal responsibility. I am deliberately not saying that he also has the role of a political analyst, but I would like to talk about the constitutional lawyer, namely because he is a constitutional lawyer and this role is closely related to the protection of national intellectual rights.

It should also be said about Zoltán that he is the spokesperson for CÖF-CÖKA and a frequently invited speaker for the intellectual life and events of CÖF-CÖKA, and he is the manager of EU-CET, the European civil cooperation council.

Zoltán Lomnici's intellectual patriotism is nothing new. I thought when I received the invitation that it is well known that he is a spiritual defender of the country, at best the "documentation" of this is being institutionalized now, since if we look at Zoltán Lomnici's performances and presentations, they are a clear and clear role of a defender of the country undertaken in a spiritual and ideological struggle are shown.

The practice of the Constitutional Court over the past 10 years proves that constitutional law and constitutional self-identity are closely related to national identity. This is especially the case in Hungary, in the country where we can boast of a thousand-year tradition of national freedom struggles, and these freedom struggles have always been fought for constitutionalism. We didn't have revolutions, my dear friends, I can say this together with Cardinal Mindszenty and perhaps Zoltán, but we had freedom struggles.

The current struggle for freedom is taking place on an ideological level, we know very well that two huge tendencies and aspirations characterize the world today, and in these two directions Zoltán is on the right side. I'm not saying that on the side of a quick win, but on the fair side and the only possible side for the Hungarian homeland and the Hungarian nation.

A huge quest for world power, the annihilation and invalidation of nation-states is taking place by all means. We have already heard from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who is much more plastic than me, and there is also an intellectual struggle going on in this. So along the lines of defamation, slander, false claims, fake news, and even false ideologies. Well, constitutional law is a powerful weapon in this regard. The advantage of Zoltán Lomnici is that he can perfectly combine and represent constitutional argumentation, political argumentation, timeliness, and up-to-dateness.

It is clear that the constitutional independence of the Hungarian state and nation is under constant threat. World and European power processes, the construction of worldwide power, the abolition of nation-states, and the crushing of traditional values, act in the direction of this one direction. On the other hand, the tendency to strengthen nation-states and protect traditional values ​​is the only hope of small nations. This is Hungary's (hope), and within this Hungary, Zoltán Lomnici's (aspiration) is not least.

Zoltán Lomnici is an exemplary persistent scientist soldier and front-fighter of this last struggle, a robot of national sovereignty, Hungarian and international constitutionalism, in the service of the nation into which he was born by the grace of the Almighty. As a gift of Providence, as a Hungarian, you can fight for justice and the common good on the best side, which is the task of both the lawyer and the man of the constitution. We are pleased to have junior dr. Zoltán Lomnici, a successful and excellently prepared national defender and lawyer, and I wish that this collaboration will continue for a long time.

Dear Zoltán, my fellow spiritual national defender, may God's helping hand be with you on the long and bumpy national road of spiritual national defense. Your guiding principle should be the well-known, one big principle: Home before everything.

Source: Cöf-Cöka

Featured image: MTI/Attila Kovács