For Tomasz Sakiewicz and
Mr. Ryszard Kapuściński

Dear Mr. Editor-in-Chief!
Dear friends!

The Russian attack on Ukraine recalls the beginning of the two terrible world wars of the 20th century. The death of millions of innocent people, the disintegration of families, the evil destruction of Nazi and Bolshevik imperial aspirations.

We cannot forget the Soviet yoke of the East-Central European peoples and the cooperation of the traitors of our countries, which resulted in the humiliation and servitude of our peoples for many decades.

When in 2011 the clubs of Gazeta Polska and CÖF-CÖKA-CET stipulated in a strategic contract that we would work together to preserve the conservative values ​​of our Christian nations and ensure the freedom of our citizens, we were determined. We still are. We rejected all imperial aspirations, we loyally guarded, we guard our sovereignty, we believe that the peoples of Europe can decide their destiny according to their national identity.

This year we also prepared together for the national holiday of the Hungarian revolution of 1848, where we used to remember together the heroes of József Bem and Jozef Wysocki who fought for the Hungarians.

The Nazi communist world-destroying forces have re-emerged in our days. The invasion of Ukraine is a warning example! We cannot let the 21st century fall prey to evil again!

Hungary is preparing for the Peace March, we waited here, we are also waiting for our Polish brothers who traditionally always arrive on time. The large delegations of the Italian UGL and SOLIDARIDAD Spanish Christian-national-conservative trade unions, who are fighting together with us in the European Union Civil Cooperation Council, are coming and joining our half-million march for peace, who have become partners in our joint initiative.

The Russian invasion requires deliberate actions. Our watchful eye must be directed to the care and loving reception of refugees from Ukraine. We consider the decision of our Gazeta Polska clubs to be exemplary - the war overwrites everything) that the pre-booked special train was made available to their railway company in order to transport the refugees to a safe place as quickly as possible.

Poles and Hungarians are at the forefront of accepting refugees from Ukraine. More than 100,000 have already arrived in Hungary. With unprecedented solidarity, our people ensure their complete care, accommodation and food needs, with Christian love.

The multitude of charitable organizations and the donations of money and assets from our citizens are continuous.

My friends!

The war hanging around our necks must be ended immediately! Peace comes first! Polish and Hungarian citizens, intellectual defenders of the country, should consider solidarity and standing for peace as their primary task according to their hearts and possibilities.

Faithful to our common traditions, we welcome our Polish brothers and sisters to our Peace March, taking into account their possibilities. Come by bus or car, we welcome you with open arms. Let's show together that European citizens will never give up their independence and peace. Aggression has no place in the field of normality!

Party battles in domestic politics cannot overwrite our most sacred civil interest, peace.

Budapest, March 3, 2022.

László Csizmadia
is the president of CÖF-CÖKA-CET

Opening image: Metropol