Now, during Christmas, it is especially important to think about it here, in Christian Hungary: the Christian religion has become the most persecuted religion in the world. There are countries where millions of Christians can only celebrate Christmas in secret or in fear of bloody terrorist attacks, Tristan Azbej, the Secretary of State responsible for programs to help persecuted Christians of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, pointed out in a Facebook video.

Azbej Tristan says in the video that although Christians are not yet physically threatened in Western countries, the attack on the Christian religion and culture has already begun: they do not like to see Christmas traditions, they rename them and even the greeting of Merry Christmas would be banned.

Hungary continues to be at the forefront of protecting Christian culture and persecuted Christians. We continue to believe that Europe's Christian culture must be protected and that trouble must not be brought here, but help must be taken to where there is trouble - emphasized the state secretary, and then listed that this year, with the Hungary Helps program, aid was provided to African believers attacked by terrorists, and they could celebrate together with the Iraqi Christians that a new school could be built instead of their school destroyed by the Islamic State.

source: Vasá