A car chase fit for a movie happened on Tuesday evening on Budakeszi út.

The official information about what happened was also published on the police website. As it was written, around nine o'clock in the evening at Biatorbágy, on the M1 highway, they wanted to check a van with a Polish license plate, but the driver did not stop at the police signal and drove off in the direction of the capital.

While fleeing, the Georgian citizen smuggler who was driving the pickup truck collided with three cars in Budaörs, seven more cars in Budapest, Budakeszi út, Attila út, and Szilágyi Erzsébet Fasoru, and pulled the steering wheel over a police car. The chase finally ended at the intersection of Attila út and Krisztina út at a quarter to ten, when the police forced the Georgian man to stop. The human smuggler deliberately drove his van into the police car and then ran away from the scene, but was caught nearby.

Thirty-five people who identified themselves as Syrian and Moroccan citizens were found in the cargo hold of the van, none of them were injured. The investigation continued on Attila út shortly after midnight.


In connection with the case, it is amazing that Brussels is practically trying to support the criminal organization of people smugglers by not doing anything against illegal migration, rather encouraging it. In other words, in order to achieve his political goals, he turns a blind eye and even actively encourages ordinary crimes. You can know exactly how many and how many people and children are lost on the boats crossing the Mediterranean, that people are being smuggled into the Union in vans on land in inhumane conditions, and yet nothing effective is being done to prevent it all. Rather, in a hypocritical way, from a moral high ground that does not exist anyway, just look at the corruption in Brussels, he criticizes those countries that try to stop organized crowds with fences and official measures. And, of course, he tries to shift the costs of all this to the Hungarians, or even the Italians.

Human suffering is caused by people smugglers, not the fence and not the sea. They must be restrained and their activities prevented at the international level with all official means.

Featured image: police.hu