Do you know Tucker Carlson? He is the conservative reporter and commentator of Fox News who sympathizes with Viktor Orbán. He spent a week in Hungary last year and interviewed the prime minister.

Well, he is the one who, a few weeks ago, covered the background of the still unsolved assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) in 1963 on his show.

He said amazing things.

It is unfortunate that we hardly hear anything about this in Hungary.

Now we will anyway, because the matter is of such importance that the Hungarian public must know about it - of course, not only the Hungarian public, but I am most interested in the latter.

So Tucker Carlson, that ever-accurate journalist, reported the following.

First, he made it clear that the Warren Report's finding of Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby, who shot him within 48 hours, as lone assassins was unacceptable on its own.

He then announced that fifty years after the JFK assassination, the CIA, the American intelligence service, admitted that it had withheld information about its relationship with Oswald. Because he had a relationship with Oswald…

Back in 1976, Carlson continued, a congressional committee reconvened in connection with the Kennedy assassination. They then concluded that JFK was clearly killed as a result of a conspiracy! Question: Why did the CIA withhold information? (Just because he was involved? - I ask naively.)

In 1992, Congress agreed that the full JFK report, which was originally classified for 75 years, must be made public by 2017 at the latest. This was promised by Donald Trump, who was president in the ominous years (2016-2020), but under the pressure of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo - who, by the way, "accidentally" was director of the CIA before him - tens of thousands (!) of the revealed materials were withheld...

And now the Biden administration is doing the same, they haven't made anything public to date.

Tucker Carlson rightly noted: everyone involved is already dead, so today it's not about protecting individuals, but about an institution... we guessed which one it is.

After that, Carlson came forward: he said that he had a conversation with a CIA agent who had seen the original, unknown documents. He asked him the question: Was the CIA involved in the assassination of President Kennedy?

The answer was, “Yes. I believe they were involved. This is a completely different country than we thought. Everything is fake.” (The answer is yes. I believe they were involved. It's a whole different country from what we thought it was. It's all fake.)

After that, Tucker Carlson gave a speech at the end of his show, which deserves to be quoted one by one due to its importance.

This means that there are forces within the US government that are completely outside of democratic control. These forces are more powerful than the elected officials who supposedly oversee them. These forces can also influence election results. They can even hide their complicity in the assassination of an American president. In other words, they can pretty much do whatever they want. They form a government within a government that makes a mockery of the idea of ​​democracy by its mere existence. As cynical as we've become after 30 years of watching government officials ignore the voters who employ them, we were shocked to learn of this. This is unacceptable.

Tucker Carlson is an authentic person.

Let's be clear: the fact that the CIA could have participated in Kennedy's assassination is hardly in question today. However, Carlson did not add that the CIA does not act "just like that" either. They are also controlled. The latter "controllers" must also be discussed if we want to understand the entire background of the Kennedy assassination and how the world works.

Of course, only if we want to get to know him. I recommend this, and if I can, I try to help with this.

Author: political scientist Tamás Fricz / Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: John F. Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally before the fateful trip, Nov. 22, 1963, at the Dallas airport. Source: Getty Images