One of the prominent activities of the commemorative year is the creation of the Petőfi Clubs network in the Carpathian Basin, which reflects the spirit of the reform era. In 2022, a hundred clubs were established in several locations of the Carpathian Basin outside the motherland: Csíkszereda, Gyimesfelsőlok, Gyergyószentmiklós, Cluj-Napoca, Sepsiszentgyörgy, Székelyudvarhely, Báko, Zenta , Lendva, Dunaszerdahely, Nagytárkány and Beregszász.

In 2023, another hundred Petőfi Clubs will start operating, and around 40 clubs will be established across the border. According to the intention of the initiators - the National Institute of Culture and its cooperating partners - it will acquaint the participants with the oeuvre and professional career of Sándor Petőfi, bring cultural opportunities worthy of the spirit of the reform era to the settlements and create an opportunity to learn about national values, and expand knowledge of history, cultural history and fiction. The programs in Székelyföld, and thus the Petőfi Club, are housed in the basement club of the Hargita County Cultural Center in Csíksereda, and a special section was created in the library of the institution, where 200 books donated by the National Cultural Institute were housed.

Who am I? poetry production, which presents the search for the young Sándor Petőfi and the beginning of his career. In the fifty-minute performance, a hitherto unknown Petőfi character unfolds before the audience, composed and performed by the actors Zsuzsa Némethy and Attila Bilibók. Until now, the performance has reached hundreds of young people in the various settlements, according to the plans, the performance will be played all year round in 2023, and will next be seen on January 16 at the Apáczai Csere János Pedagogus House in Csíkszereda. The Kájoni János County Library also joins the Petőfi commemorative year with several programs. Thematic evenings, reading evenings, a drawing contest for kindergarten and elementary school students, and a recitation contest are also organized.

Their first thematic event related to the commemorative year will be held on January 23, on the occasion of the Hungarian Culture Day, during which guitarist Róbert Sinha and the Géza Vámszer Art Folk School will perform Passages II. the participants of his workshop perform Petőfi poems set to music. With the support of the Vámszer Géza Art Folk School, the National Talent Program, and the Hargita County Council, studio recordings were made of these sung poems, which were compiled into a thematic Petőfi record - read the report of the folk school. The leader and instructor of the master course, Róbert Sinha and the writer Rád Boróka Prohászka also compiled a volume for the album published by Gryllus Kiadó.

Starting on March 15, the museums of Székelyföld will present the relics of Sándor Petőfi and the revolution of 1848 in the framework of a traveling exhibition, offering a glimpse into the everyday life of the reform era, the sophisticated material and behavioral culture, through museum reconstructions. On April 12, a traveling exhibition about Petőfi's life will also open in Sepsiszentgyörgy, Kézdivásárhely and Csíkszereda; it will await visitors until October 6. With the Petőfi bus, May 8–19. those interested can travel between different settlements of the county. Bring a flower with an invitation to Petőfi, a memorial service will be held on July 24 at the post office in Kézdivásárhely, on the site of the former Szarvas inn. As a fitting end to the commemorative year, a statue of Petőfi will be inaugurated on July 31, in Sepsiszentgyörgy, at the intersection of December 1. 1918 utca and Zefír utca. In addition, there will be a Petőfi exchange program with the participation of children from Bács-Kiskun County and Triszék County, as well as the publication of additional programs and publications as part of the commemorative year.

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Author: Beáta Péter and Károly Kocsis

Image: Facebook