In Brussels, liberal EP politicians were arrested on charges of corruption, and in Hungary - thanks to the propaganda of Péter Márky-Zay - the party financing background of our globalist opposition was revealed. Both cases are extremely embarrassing for the revolutionaries of our time, so they try to keep them quiet. I think it's time to show the power of the media.

O. Spengler recognized the power of the press a hundred years ago. I quote from his monumental work "Twilight of the West", published in 1923, because I would not be able to describe the brutal power of the press in a broader sense. O. Spengler: "Money doesn't travel its political path like metal... It transforms into power, and its quantity determines the intensity of work... the mass-produced, endlessly printed and distributed word becomes a formidable weapon in the hands of those who can control it... " Foreign-owned or foreign-financed major globalist media without any claim to completeness: the morally destructive RTL Klub television, the re-launched, online Hungarian broadcast of Free Europe, the Partizán channel on You Tube, supported by Dávid Korányi with American money "This the fake news factory called "the essence", the flagship of the globalist media, TELEX funded by the US Department of State (USAID), as well as, Magyar Narancs, the Mérték Media Analysis Center, the online Átlátszó, practically the entire opposition media. The biggest patron is György Soros, who is now founding the Hungarian section of Internews. Soros' pseudo-civilians are already present in 147 countries, and according to an American media research institute, Soros supports at least 235 media outlets and organizations. He is probably one of the most influential people on Earth! Spengler brilliantly sees that "the amount of money determines the intensity of work." Based on all of this, we have to state the basic premise that there is no independent media today! The person who pays the musician orders the sheet music.

Spengler: "Through the newspaper, democracy has completely displaced the book from the intellectual life of the masses. What is the truth? For the masses, it is what they read and hear daily. What the press wants is the truth. The commanders of the press create, transform and exchange the truths. Three weeks of press work, and the whole world will know the truth... Today, the press is a kind of army; with carefully organized weapons: journalists as officers and readers as soldiers. And here, as in all armies: the soldier obeys blindly... There is no more terrifying satire of the freedom of thought than this. Men could never even attempt to think freely; they can do it now, they just can't. They think about what they have to think about, and that feels like freedom.” Brussels and America know the brutal power of the media, which is why they seek to monopolize it. The globalists are annoyed by Hungarian media pluralism, the fact that different opinions and worldviews are heard in our country. On the other hand, in the West, anyone who speaks against the mainstream is already endangering their existence! And the politically correct way of speaking is silencing the truth.

The globalist media is fighting a two-front war. One front is the press campaign, the other is silence. Spengler: " The press campaign appears as the continuation or preparation of the war by other means... Today we live without any resistance, so much under the influence of this intellectual artillery that, lacking insight into its operation, we are unable to even comprehend the terrifying nature of this spectacle." For twelve years now, Hungary has been the subject of a press campaign by the liberal world media. And the effectiveness of the liberal "spiritual artillery" is proven by the fact that the lie that mass immigration is a good thing and gender madness is a European value can be shoved down the throats of hundreds of millions. Incidentally, the idea germinated in the brain of the French philosopher Simone de Beauvoir: a person is not born a woman, but becomes one. Our globalist opposition is also conducting a merciless press campaign against the government. There is no government action that they are not involved in, and their "spiritual artillery" spreads fake news in every forum.

The other weapon is "silence". Spengler: “everyone is allowed to say what he wants; of course, it is up to the press whether to report on it or not. It can condemn all truth to death if it does not undertake to convey it to the world - the terrifying censorship of silence, which is all the more powerful the less it appears as a slave army of newspaper readers... Bonfires will be replaced by great silence." Silence is a more effective weapon than lying, because with the latter, the horse's leg often sticks out. The rich banker D. Rockefeller pulls the veil off the true face of the liberal world media (1991 Bilderberg conference): "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other major publications, whose directors took part in our deliberations, and for almost forty years they honored their promise of discretion. It would have been impossible for us to come up with our plan for the world if we had been under public pressure all these years. However, the world today is much more sophisticated and much more willing to move in the direction of a world government.” In Rockefeller's statement, discretion is a code name for "great silence." And the biggest weapon of the "great silence" is that even today the white man is not aware that a cultural war has been going on against him for a hundred years now! Another example. Before the 2022 election, the opposition promised that they would review all contracts after they came to power. In Budapest and in the big cities dominated by the globalists, all contracts were reviewed, but no trace of corruption was found. At that point, they should have apologized publicly, but only the "great silence" followed. And the accusation of corruption stuck in the ears. Brussels, on the other hand, is withholding the funds due to Hungary based on the persistent accusation of corruption by the globalist opposition.

Spengler describes the deterioration of the press as a factor that threatens democracy: "This is the end of democracy...The thinking and thus the actions of the masses are kept under relentless pressure. For this reason, and only for this reason, a person appears as a reader and a voter: in double slavery...Nevertheless, power has now shifted from the parliaments to private circles, and the election, as it was in Rome at the time, is irresistibly and increasingly sinking into a comedy." The globalist opposition achieved 41 percent of the list in the 2022 parliamentary election - without a party program. In this 41 percent - in addition to the hateful Orbán - the formidable weapon of the press campaign and silence is revealed!

Spengler's vision is so perfect that it is only worth adding that the situation in our time - as a result of technical development - is much worse than it was a hundred years ago. First, the radio represented an information revolution that O. Spengler could not even think of, but Joseph Goebbels already recognized its significance: "We would not have been able to acquire power and exercise it in the way we did without radio." J. Goebbels declared. After the Second World War, television further increased the mental slavery by making the population addicted to the screen, because it brought home the brainwashing and the slow and steady erosion of Christian-based morality through the movies. And in the last decade, social media has become the narcotic of youth, in which forum the financial oligarchy guards the content of the information. It must be emphasized that social media is the most effective means of spreading fake news in a geometrical fashion, without any responsibility! Social media is also a brilliant technique of power for the background power, because it deprives the youth of all their free time: they go to their communication prison voluntarily and singing. They have neither the time nor the desire to deal with serious issues. The Internet is also a drug because it is addictive! The betrayal of the media is amply documented in Udo Ulfkotte's book "Purchased Journalists", published in 2014.

We must consciously free ourselves from the slavery of the media! You have to choose the source of information. The more money behind a media, the more we have to be cautious about their credibility! According to statistics, a Hungarian citizen spends an average of at least four hours on social media and the Internet. This should be at least halved, and the time saved should be spent reading serious books! Because everything is written down, you just have to find it. The insightful opinion of the Nobel Prize-winning Russian writer Solzhenitsyn: "It is a fact that the press has become the greatest power in the Western world; more powerful than the legislature, the executive, or the judiciary. We could ask: Who elected him and to whom is he accountable?"

Pál Bartha ny. forest engineer

