80 years ago, the 2nd Hungarian Army suffered a loss of 100,000-120,000 people in the unequal battle against the Soviet Army at the Don. The struggle and determination, suffering and pain of our soldiers make us all go to the next level - reminds us of our heroes on the Facebook page of the President of the Republic Katalin Novák.

Eighty years ago, on January 12, 1943, the Soviet Red Army launched its attack on the Don bend, as a result of which around one hundred thousand soldiers of the 207 thousand-strong 2nd Hungarian Army died. The material losses of the 2nd Hungarian Army were about 70 percent, its human losses are 93,500, other sources put it at 120,000 and 148,000, and the exact number of wounded and captured is not known.

In January 1943, the soldiers of the army, which had equipment and weapons unmatched by their opponents, died a heroic death by Soviet weapons or because of the frost, and were imprisoned for years. We mourn the victims of a country drifting into war, those soldiers who sacrificed their lives in battles raging hundreds of kilometers from our borders. Meanwhile, Hungary, struggling on a forced path, had long since lost the right to self-determination in the great power game.

Don disaster memorial day

Source: Facebook page of Katalin Novák, President of the Republic


István Hollik: the Don disaster reminds us that we cannot get involved in other people's wars

The Don disaster 80 years ago reminds us that we Hungarians cannot get involved in other people's wars, said the communications director of Fidesz in his video message on Thursday.

István Hollik is the Budapest VIII. At the Tiszti Heroic Memorial in the district, he paid tribute by lighting a candle in memory of the Hungarian national defenders who died a heroic death in 1943 in the Don bend.

In his message, the politician emphasized that Hungary has something to learn from the terrible and cruel wars of the past century: the Don disaster reminds us that "we Hungarians cannot get involved in other people's wars, since in the games of the great powers, we can only get the short end of the stick".

For Hungarians, this lesson is "measured in soil and blood", since Hungary lost two-thirds of its territory after World War I, and in World War II. hundreds of thousands of Hungarians died in World War II, he added.

István Hollik said that this sacrifice is an obligation, that everything must be done so that Hungary stays out of the war going on next door and that the Russian-Ukrainian war ends as soon as possible.