Budapest's leadership is only interested in the city center, which is why Gábor Kubatov considers the division of the capital into several parts conceivable. In an interview published on on Saturday, the Fidesz party director put it this way: in the Jászberény election this weekend, voters can also decide whether they want a locally recognized, community-building candidate or a "foreign-financed conflict generator" at the head of the city.

Speaking about the corruption scandal unfolding in the European Union, Gábor Kubatov said that the attitude of Brussels, which practically does not tolerate the existence of the opposition, is now coming back, because in a normal, functioning democracy, the opposition is needed because of the possibility of inspection and control.

"Apparently, they don't allow this there, because as soon as someone expresses a different opinion, they immediately disqualify him. It is branded as extreme, radical, anti-democratic and they are trying to make it impossible to operate by any means"

he said.

As he pointed out, the role of the public and the media would be particularly important in this case, but the majority of the Western media is loyal to the left.

The party director reminds us that it was practically completely accepted in the union that decisions could be influenced by bribes or other means through lobbyists and companies.

"And some of these funds - not even from Europe, but apparently from America - also lead to the Hungarian opposition"

he noted.

However, this has its dangers - he warned: businessmen usually do not donate generously, but will ask for something in return one day, and whoever accepts this money will have to pay the price. However, Péter Márki-Zay himself admitted that "heavy millions of dollars" were accepted from abroad, he recalled.

Gábor Kubatov attributes the ineffectiveness of the opposition partly to the fact that a significant part of the foreign money was stolen, since no one could control its use.

Hungarian party financing provides quite a few resources to factions, parties and party foundations precisely so that political formations cannot be influenced from outside the borders. However, there is very strict regulation and settlement here, unlike in the case of money coming from abroad, he pointed out.

Gábor Kubatov emphasized: on the other hand, in Fidesz, they are not building a party, but a community.

"The civil right is such a cohesive community, with a characterful and excellent prime minister at its head, which is also unique in Europe"

he said.

Another secret of success is that Fidesz has been a well-functioning organization for decades

he noted.

He added:

"what distinguishes us from our political opponents is that power is not important to us, it is not the goal, it is only a means to build a good country for all Hungarians. On the other hand, the left wants something completely different, I don't see anything else there, only that they want a position and the Skoda keys".

According to Gábor Kubatov, however, the performance of the settlements under their leadership in 2019, including the capital, contributed to the opposition's failure. "We see an immeasurably alarming picture," he assessed.

The party director also addressed Sunday's mayoral election in Jászberény, highlighting that the Jászság settlement was led in 2019 by "a conflict generator like the current mayor, who causes fear and dread in Jászberény, because he has almost built a personal cult around himself."

"Seeing the performance of the mayor, seeing his personality and contrasting our candidate, who has already proven himself as a doctor, is recognized and respected in Jászberény, I feel that we have a chance in the weekend election"

he said.

Gábor Kubatov emphasized: the current mayor also admitted that he received money from Péter Márki-Zay, who said that the money came from abroad.

As he added, the people of Jászberény see that they can now put the management of the city in the hands of a normal, local patriot, lovable mayor who wants to end conflicts, wants peace and wants to build a community.

Speaking about Péter Márki-Zay, Gábor Kubatov said that the personality of the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely is quite confusing, but his personality is only secondary because Ferenc Gyurcsány is the leader on the left. Whatever they want on the left, they have to agree with Ferenc Gyurcsány at the very end, he emphasized.

The party director also visited Budapest, missing the performance of Mayor Gergely Karácsony. "The traffic jam annoys me, but I can see that there is so much in it, which is well demonstrated by the City Hall case, when practically the building in which he works was sold behind his back," he said.

He noted that as an additional problem

the leadership of the capital thinks that Budapest only consists of the downtown part, even though the majority of Budapest's tax forints are collected from the outer districts, which are then spent in the downtown area.

It was also seen in the results of the parliamentary elections: the people in the suburbs feel exactly that they are being robbed, that their district is not developing, while inordinate amounts of money are being spent on the city center, he pointed out.

"And if this continues, the voices that recommend separation from Budapest for these districts will get louder and louder, because it is simply much more worthwhile to operate as an independent settlement than as part of the capital," he told in an interview with Gábor Kubatov.

