Religion has been the basis of all great cultures until now. In itself, religion does not yet mean the enforcement of universal and eternal human values, since, for example, the Mayans and Aztecs sacrificed ten thousand people. In contrast, the basis of the Christian religion is love, even if during the Inquisition the religious fanatics seriously violated this principle.

In the white man's world - until the Enlightenment - the Christian religion set the framework for social norms, religious dogmas were impassable for legislation!

But what is morality? According to Wikipedia, "...under the concept of morality we mean the set of behavioral rules collected by a given society based on past experiences and deemed correct...Some moral principles:..In order for humanity to be able to meet its increased responsibility resulting from its knowledge, a developed community spirit within its society and needs morality. The community spirit means a common will, a common long-term goal, as well as effective cooperation in its realization, and common morality is a system of values ​​that provides a basis for judging right and wrong, useful and harmful actions...we must have some kind of idea (model) about the world, and we must have some idea of ​​what we consider to be a favorable or unfavorable process (future vision).”

The XIX At the end of the 20th century, the eternal atheist revolutionary was born, who "..the set of behavioral rules collected and deemed correct based on older experiences" came under fire. In their ideas, the place of religion was taken by various utopias: anarchism, communism, national socialism and, nowadays, neoliberalism. Anarchists – understandably – could not gain a mass base.

The XIX At the end of the 20th century, the class-based communist idea was born, the utopia of which was social equality. To this end, the means of production were nationalized, but this led to the economic collapse of the socialist world order around 1989, as a result of the cessation of financial interest. The result of the great experiment in the world: about one hundred million dead, and the population of the countries participating in the experiment have to walk the bumpy road of wild capitalism twice.

The idea of ​​national socialism on a racial basis entered the scene third. Its utopia was Germanic racial superiority and Germany's world domination. The result: more than fifty million dead, the destruction of a large part of Europe, and the rise of communism in Central Europe and the Balkans. The Communists and the National Socialists promised to bring heaven to earth, but these two great attempts ended in tragedy.

The idea of ​​the fourth world savior was born after the First World War at the International held in Moscow, and nowadays it is on the verge of realization. -based moral order was announced by the leader of the Italian Communist Party, A. Gramsci: with tenacious work lasting decades, we must take control over the culture and education system of the Western world, educating the right type of people, because then the political power will be in our laps fall. At that time, the political goal was to create a proletarian dictatorship. And the tool for realizing the idea is the cultural revolution, the long march.

The itemized methodology of the destruction of the Christian-based society is the so-called It was developed by social researchers of the Frankfurt School. One of its founding members, Herbert Marcus , also the intellectual leader of the 1968 Paris student revolt, formulated the task as follows: "We can rightly speak of a cultural revolution, since the protest is directed against the entire cultural structure... We can only say one thing with complete certainty: the revolution is traditional its idea and traditional strategy are already a thing of the past... What we must undertake is a kind of general and extensive disintegration of the system... All basic Western values ​​must be discarded, liberal sexuality must be introduced, and the realization of the goals of feminists and black revolutionaries." Today, only the blind cannot see the intention to systematically destroy the fabric of society, "a kind of general and extensive disintegration of the system".

Today's name of the fourth great social experiment is neoliberalism, the utopia of which is infinite freedom. The deregulation according to the Washington Consensus, the excessive breaking down of the rules in the economy led to the concentration of multinational economic companies and banks, as a result of which the world's economy, financial system, and thus political power fell into the hands of about three hundred dynasties, approximately six thousand people (D. Rothkopf His study Superclass, 2010.) The governmental form of infinite freedom was developed by Karl Popper György Soros, this political system on the white man's society. Quote from K. Popper: "Principles that claim that a nation is bound together by a common origin, a common language or a common history cannot be accepted or applied in practice. The principle of the national state is just a myth. An irrational, romantic and utopian dream.” This is the reason for the war against national identity. The principle is further deepened by the liberal philosopher János Kiss : "In an open society, no religion, no worldview, no way of life, no culture can strive for exclusivity... In an open society, there are no infallible authorities who would decide for us what is true, good and right... Although faith , the world view, life perception and culture do not unite them into a single community, but as citizens they can form a community with each other as long as they are all loyal to their common constitution."

This is the image of an extremely individualistic society, whose value trend denies all basic principles of morality "collected on the basis of past experiences". It has no community spirit, no community values, and because of this, it also has no vision for the future. As a result of his moral relativism, the individual sets a standard for himself for "what is true, good and right." This is a society without morals! I think an open society is an unviable form of government. If everything is enshrined in legislation, it is the Madách phalanster itself. And if not, it is a path to anarchy, because freedom based on self-restraint cannot be any other way. Because that's human nature.

In the Christian world, the basic moral rules of social coexistence were laid down in the Ten Commandments of Moses. In the following, let's review how the world saviors of the last hundred years and today's progressives went/go beyond the moral limits of the Ten Commandments.

A. Don't kill! The order not to kill has been massively ignored by the following world saviors: Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong and Pol Pot, to name only the greatest. Nowadays, in some states of the USA, abortion can be performed up to birth.

VII. Don't fornicate! The freedom of desires and the scientifically unproven social gender, the elevation of gender liberals to a European value, are Sodom and Gomorrah itself. The goal is no longer to eradicate discrimination. The goal is the further atomization of society according to gender, as well as the birth of as few native European children as possible. Kindergarteners have already been targeted, under the guise of sensitization. But where is the limit of sexual freedom? German liberals are already calling for the legalization of pedophilia. According to the Ethics Council working alongside the German government, the law against incest is now an outdated social taboo. Quoted verbatim: "The basic right of adult siblings to sexual self-determination weighs more heavily than the abstract idea of ​​protecting the family." It's not even a law, it's a fundamental right! The popularization and even the imposition on society of a way of life that promotes unlimited sexual freedom and does not have children is a suicidal civilization itself! I think this commandment serves to protect the family, because the family is the basic cell of the survival and renewal of society. As a result, the family can only be a voluntary relationship between a man and a woman. This classic family form is under fire from the progressives.

VIII. Do not steal! The XX. the great revolutionaries of the 20th century - employed en masse - broke this order twice. The Communists confiscated property on the basis of class, and the National Socialists on the basis of race.

IX. Do not bear false witness. That is, don't lie! In Brussels and in the liberal world media, since 2010, a flood of lies has been hurled at Hungary, our Prime Minister and the Hungarian people. And the politically correct way of speaking is nothing more than limiting the expression of the truth, a specific kind of lie. Evidence of the globalist moral decline in Hungary is that Ferenc Gyurcsány's 2006, mafia-like primordial lie ("...we lied morning, night and evening...") is being tried to be transformed into a truth speech. In 2022, the country spent 10 billion euros more on energy than before the Russian-Ukrainian war, because the world market price of energy skyrocketed. This is an incalculable amount that completely drains the life force of the country and then takes it abroad. And our progressive opposition lies on television that "the energy crisis is the result of the government's bad economic policy." In the European Parliament, in the Hungarian Parliament and in the media of the Hungarian progressives, unclassifiable expressions that deeply undermine human dignity have become regular towards Prime Minister Viktor Orbán Expressions that are not even allowed in a better pub. Bence Tordai (Dialogue): "This O1G is witty and fun, it has the power to create a community." Ferenc Gyurcsány, the alcoholic president of DK, on ​​Facebook (MN 24.11.2022) deeply attacked the honor of our prime minister: "Orbán is a Nazi politician. Because he considers Hungarians to be a race, chosen, superior, and himself as the chosen being above the human world. Political monster, mentally ill."

The four ideas of the world's saviors have in common that their developers and implementers were all atheists , spiritual prisoners of some kind of utopia replacing religion. And they wanted/want to implement their theory in an anti-democratic way, with inquisitor-like fanaticism and violence. All of this could have happened because the separation of the state and the church eliminated the divine moral limitations of legislation. This is the root of today's moral fluke! As a result, the elected bodies at any given time feel empowered to legislate without limits. As a result of legislation without moral limits, precise legislation could be created for the purpose of dragging millions to gulags and death camps. In Brussels, the gender frenzy took the throne in the same way. Legislation without moral limits leads to a society without morals, and the open society is like that. This form of government is unlivable for a man of culture. On the other hand, this extremely atomized society collapses at the slightest shock, as it lacks the cohesive force of religious, national and cultural identity, and family cohesion is only flickering.

We could learn from the fall of the Roman Empire. The western part of the empire, which had at least twenty million people, was conquered by no more than two million Germans, which is militarily impossible. The empire was rotten, the Germans took advantage of this. There are some reasons for the fall that we should take to heart: the basis of the state and the army, the peasant layer, has been fatally thinned; because of this, the borders were increasingly defended by Germanic mercenaries against Germans; the decrease in population was replaced by the settlement of barbarians in the limes; a huge wealth gap was created between social classes; the old Roman moral values ​​faded, with particular regard to patriotism, sacrifice, respect for family and motherhood; society was divided by the centuries-old struggle of the Christian and pagan religions; hedonism, the principle of "panem et circenses" gained ground; identityless "mass man" defined by J. Ortega , was born in the parasitic Rome of millions The empire of the four hundred years no longer resembled the empire of Emperor Augustus. It fell victim to - H. Marcuse - "a kind of general and extensive disintegration of the system."

Author: Pál Bartha

(In cover image: Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Image: