In the coming days, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will contact all Hungarian pensioners by letter and inform them that a double pension will arrive in February, Prime Minister's Acting Officer Zsolt Nyitrai told MTI on Saturday.

In a telephone statement, the politician said that this month, the 15 percent increased pension and the 13th monthly pension will also go to the elderly in an increased amount.

The 13th monthly pension

"the left took it from our elderly compatriots, the civilian government led by Viktor Orbán is returning it to them," said Zsolt Nyitrai.

"All these measures show that Hungarian pensioners can count on the government of Hungary, pension premiums have been paid five times in the recent period, while not even once during the time of the left," he noted.

He added that the pension has increased by 92 percent since 2010; the average pension in 2010 was HUF 97,000, now it is more than HUF 208,000.

Civilians Info: The withdrawal of the 13th monthly pension fits into the trend followed by the left and the liberals during their administrations. This is nothing more than the policy of serial deprivation, the propaganda of austerity, let's hold out a little longer and then Canaan will arrive, which of course never arrived. Moreover, they plunged the country into a serious economic, moral, and political crisis because they were narrow-minded and violent, they lied morning, noon, and night, and if they didn't like it, they shot and stabbed them. With the stroke of a pen, they canceled the benefits of many of our elderly compatriots, citing the crisis they brought about. After their well-deserved fall, the Orbán government succeeded them in 2010 with a constitutional majority and is now leading the country stably even after the 4th term. Even now, the world is full of crisis, and we can also get out of it a lot, since we are an open economy, all difficulties have ripple effects here as well. Only crisis management is different. The main principle: you have to give money to people even during a crisis, because on the one hand it benefits them, on the other hand it drives the economy, and thirdly – ​​and perhaps this is the most important – it keeps their trust. Because the attic is full of promises! Restrictions and withdrawals only add to the problem, lying, talking in the air and meanwhile siphoning off tons of money to foreign bank accounts leads to a near-bankruptcy situation, see 2008-2009. Funding needs should not be solved by forcing those who want to advance into foreign currency loans, and then the flood follows me!

The Orbán government is not relying on deductions and the quick granting of the 13th month pension, the extraordinary pension increase means that not only young people thinking about starting a family can enjoy significant state support in building their security, home and community, but also grandfathers and grandmothers can enjoy care and attention.

Because Orbán knows exactly: you are the state! 


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