Bízd Rá Magad Szolgálat, after last year's highly successful national relationship-enrichment game, encourages couples to participate in creative and humorous challenges again this year, so that we can live together more consciously, with less crisis, with each other, for each other...

Last year, 1,310 couples from 263 settlements registered for the game starting in Marriage Week. The relationship-strengthening challenge had participants in their 20s and 80s. The game was joined by those in a new relationship and those who took their marriage vows before God 53 years ago.

The purpose of this year's tasks is to draw attention to the fact that relationships are constantly changing and developing, and that continuous efforts must be made to preserve and improve them. This year's Experience Space game helps you learn about the stage boundaries of relationships and how to handle these situations in such a way that the bond between them becomes stronger.

The tasks guide the players through the changes that follow in their life together after the period of great, blazing, blinding love. Where do they always find the spark that ignites when they meet? The game encourages participants to continuously learn and build relationships.

Couples who have reached the age of 18 and are domiciled in Hungary can participate in the game if they register by February 19, 2023 on the page below for the challenge created by Élménytér with creative and humorous tasks.

During the 1-month duration of the game, the couple "travels" through four sets of tasks, which are announced every Sunday to registered users by e-mail, in a closed Facebook group and on the bizdramagad.hu interface.

Similar to last year, in addition to the deepening of relationships and the experience of rediscovering each other, playful couples can also win lots of prizes. They will also be invited to the online closing event of the game, where a surprise guest will greet the players.

The game is organized jointly by the Bízd Rá Magad Service of the Esztergom-Budapest Archdiocese, the bizdramagad.hu portal, and the invited organizations related to the relationship topics, the Married Weekend, CsaládKözPont, the KétIgen Foundation and the Family Pastoral Office of the Veszprém Archdiocese.

Source: bizdramagad.hu

Source: bizdramagad.hu


Source: vasarnap.hu

Source of the front page image: amerce.hu