In the case of certain sanitary ware, trade with Russia will be prohibited: toilet bowls, bidets and wash basins have also been added to the latest Brussels list.

The "toilet embargo" included in the 146-page list may enter into force on February 24. The 11 billion euro embargo list mainly includes telecommunications devices, software, aircraft parts, lasers and rare earth metals, wrote.

By the way, 20 percent of homes in Russia do not have toilets, which means that almost a quarter of the apartments are not fully comfortable. The question is, the part of the current European sanction, which applies to certain sanitary products, puts the Russian economy in a difficult situation, which acquired virtually any product through India, China and Turkey.

However, according to Visegrád24, not only the toilet bowl, but also the mobile toilets were added to the Brussels list.


Image: Twitter

We must be at fault, but we simply don't understand why the EU General Staff, which discredits itself on a daily basis, thought of embargoing toilet bowls, mobile toilets and other sanitary ware? Wasn't there anyone who didn't feel that they were discrediting themselves even more? Did they seriously think that the Russian industry could not produce these easily produced products? Or is it simply that in their agony they can hardly come up with a way to attack Russia?  

On the other hand, products related to nuclear energy, such as heating elements, are not on the list for now, thank God. Obviously not because so many countries would protest against it that it would put the Commission in a losing position from the start, which does not want to get involved in new tensions. If we look at it from here, as long as this is the case, we can safely leave moving buddies in the list.

You can say: we do it.