Of course, you can escape to the competitive world, dear teachers, but it's a good idea to prepare thoroughly now: there will be even more evaluations!

There is no doubt that the implementation of the teacher qualification system is suboptimal. For example, a serious shortcoming is that the employees of the Office of Education are not rewarded in proportion to their performance, but in proportion to the satisfaction of the teachers: in this case, perhaps (respect to the exception) the process would work more smoothly and the tendency to quibble would be reduced, and the specialist teacher working late into the night on the qualification of his rural colleague would not have to you must even formulate special reasons for your travel expenses to be properly reimbursed.

Just as it is certain that the average teacher would be more willing to put together the portfolio if at the end of the process an immediate and spectacular salary increase awaited him - who would not rather work for a lot of money than for little. No question.

Come on. Now that it has become clear that thousands of teachers are still failing in the Ped1 category because they refused to apply for the procedure in the nearly ten years since the introduction of the qualification (in contrast to 90 percent of their colleagues), it is possible to come up with reasons that, unfortunately, are precisely the (wrong) they create the impression that there is no problem with the system, only "the" teachers are making noise.

Because what do we see? Number one reason: "Is my diploma not valid?" "It's all humiliating, after so many experiences, don't judge me! I'd rather leave the field like this, at the age of 50-60, and get a job somewhere else." The problem with this is, first of all, that as soon as you start looking for a job, you will be evaluated right away. Out of the blue, almost. You have to give an account of your professional life path and motivations in the same way as if you were throwing together an unfortunate portfolio, moreover, if you are in the competitive sector, it is not even excluded that from then on you will be part of a performance evaluation even every six months (and loyalty, awareness of rules and discipline). Until now, professional drivers had to retake the test every five years (despite their valid legal status) - if you could spontaneously choose whether to take yourself abroad with a bus driver who passed the test or one who failed the test, how would you decide?

Then. The second common reason for refusing certification is that the master teacher colleagues who certify teachers are, so to speak, incompetent: "Should I be certified by, for example, a kindergarten teacher who comes to see how I teach integral calculus?",

"Don't be judged by an incompetent nitwit!" - says the self-righteous teacher,

Just as it is not the most convincing, if a high school math teacher (who happens to be an opposition politician in civilian life) raises the mood on Facebook by saying that if he were to participate in the procedure, he might be qualified by a kindergarten teacher. But it would certainly not cause him any trouble to calculate the reassuringly low probability of this.

And finally, there is the third reason for not writing a portfolio: it takes a lot of time and does not bring any benefit or money, anyway, who is the miserable person who teaches with all kinds of indicators in mind.

It is also not known why, if the teacher rigidly refrains from taking time out of his life for a one-time professional reflection that is mandatory for him, but which he considers unnecessary, then why should the adolescent student with an interest in the humanities regularly prepare for physics papers instead of playing soccer, hanging out with girlfriends or taking a siesta. It's also completely pointless. Obsession

if the talented teacher is unbearably stressed by the one-time qualification, what should the dull-brained moron say?

Does he also say that he doesn't write the topic ending as a matter of principle, because it is harmful to his health and privacy? It is really flattering that 90 percent of the teachers who have successfully passed the unpleasant task of the qualification are setting an example for young people.

In any case, if it's about performance goals, it would be a very useful commitment for the year that all worthwhile intellectuals try to devote at least a quarter of their time to self-reflection than to complaining and making excuses. Then, if it succeeds, we can raise the rate next year.

Source and full article: mandiner.hu

Featured image: MTI