The Public Media Center has opened in Brussels. Employees from MTI, M1, Kossuth Rádió and now work in the office equipped with the most modern technologies and equipment. The office's capabilities provide an excellent opportunity to facilitate the work of correspondents, thereby providing an even higher level of service to the viewers and listeners of the public media.
The MTVA staff in Brussels prepared for a live broadcast on Tuesday morning, as the public media is launching a new program entitled Uniós Percek on M1. In other words, from now on every weekday, the latest EU news, debates, decisions and their background will be reported live on the deles news station, M1 News reported.
For this purpose, the public media opened its representative office in Brussels. MTVA employees can work in the center of the union with a modern technical background and infrastructure that meets the requirements of the 21st century.
"It is of utmost importance that the public media develop, move with the times, and be the first to report the news accurately and authentically," said the CEO of the MTVA in Brussels. Dániel Papp emphasized:
the goal is for the reporters to show the background of the decisions and for the Hungarian public media to be unavoidable in Brussels as well"This will now be such a significant leap that the union and its representatives will see that we, together with an office, are really serious about this work. And we want them to be available to us at any time from now on, as they see that we provide a country with information, fresh, immediately. So, what they say, for us, it is certain that ten, at least ten, if not fifteen million Hungarians will listen," emphasized Dániel Papp.
"MTVA is already preparing for the 2024 EP elections and the Hungarian presidency by strengthening its correspondent network," declared the CEO of Duna Médiaszolgáltat Zrt. Anita Altorjai put it this way: the EU presidency is an excellent opportunity for Hungary to keep the EU topics it considers important on the agenda and to develop a common position for the member states.The CEO emphasized: the employees of the public media will stand up until now and will continue to do so.
"Therefore, the Hungarian public media will have a lot of tasks. Hungary will take over the consecutive presidency when the union will elect leaders from among the representatives. So the task is huge, the challenge is very big, especially in a world where there are a lot of sources of information that are unverified, which are spread on social media without the source being verified," stated Anita Altorjai.![Source: MTI/Zoltán Balogh](
Anita Altorjai at the press conference/Forrás/MTI/Zoltán Balogh
"Brussels is not only the seat of the European Union, but also a media center, where the Hungarian public media also has a place, in order to inform the Hungarians of the world and that the Hungarian position on the EU and foreign policy is not only presented in a negative light," said the ambassador of Hungary in Brussels. István Tamás Kovács emphasized: the next 1.5-2 years will be one of the most intensive periods in EU politics.
"In less than a year and a half, Hungary will assume the presidency of the Council of the EU, so the events here will attract even more attention than usual in the public opinion at home. The public opinion here - if such a thing is possible at all - will pay even more attention to Hungary," he explained.The Hungarian public media has an extensive network of correspondents. Almost 30 correspondents work in 18 countries around the world. However, the representative office in Brussels is the first where employees of M1, MTI, Kossuth Rádió and can work together. Besides the MTVA, only the British BBC and the German ARD have representative offices in Brussels.
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