of the CÖF-CÖKA, "Face it ", Anett Szabó talked with Deputy Minister Bence Rétvári and Zsuzsa Máthé, the director of the Szent István Institute.

A Christian Democrat deputy minister and director of the Szent István Institute. What do they have in common? And why were they the guests of the evening?

Because of their unwavering commitment to their homeland, which is based on their faith. Both are soul-driven people.

Yes, it can also be a politician, just look at Bence Rétvári's recent retort in Parliament. They say what their heart dictates. They speak in the State House and speak at every forum when the protection of children justifies it. You know, whoever looked into the eyes of a small child even once in his life, was forever captivated by the pair of pure eyes. The unconditional trust and sense of security in their eyes becomes a captivating experience forever, which we should never abuse.

But honestly, who wouldn't want to stretch time as far as possible and keep that innocence as long as possible? With this, we adults could also gain eternal youth together with them! Among other things, we would be punished in the Union because of the law created for this.