"Here is Man", or more correctly, "Here is History"? Is it possible, or rather, is it permissible to look for a connection between the crucifixion of Jesus and the fate of our country, Hungary? It may or may not be, but the specter of death on the cross is constantly present in our thousand-year history. Sometimes we have the feeling that the cross that is intended for us is ready, and only the fixing nails are being cast in the forges, while the manipulation of the crowd ready to shout "Barabás" is also going on.

Nowadays, we perceive the international public opinion to be worked on more and more intensively. Using all means, especially lies, he convinces the citizens of the world that Hungary is a deviant who, if he disappears, will not be absent from the family of nations. The future path of the nations of the continent would be much calmer if the restless Hungarians, who were also looking for lumps in their poop, were only a bad memory, who would not interfere with the complete conquest of the new value system that is developing so well, which has spread over the last seventy years in the western half of Europe, the took root in the strongholds of "real democracies". After all, a significant part of the proud civilization managed to get rid of Christian morality. Instead of man and woman, people found their 92 genders, and why shouldn't the lives of teenage children be about "liberating" sexuality, they say abroad? In addition, new generations dominated/raised by technology can do away with the traditions and culture of the past, announcing the "cancel culture" way of life.

And then here are these Hungarians!

They speak an ancient language, while they could use abbreviations made up of abbreviations that look like dumbed-down English. They are even proud of their historical mistakes, because they were able to learn from them, as well as to grow life from their defeats. They see their children as treasures to be protected, and they do not forgive those who sin against them or their children. So, a people who are prepared to stay and break the momentum of the future live between the Danube and the Tisza, which is, of course, a fertile, well-watered area. So much so that even the capital looking here from afar would find it worthwhile to get their hands on it. Of course, we would only like to occupy it so that - after our "departure" - the fallow land does not beat it up.

The process of annexation has been going on for many years, but somehow it was never able to close according to the taste of the attackers, the peculiar new invaders. Their built-in proteges, who called themselves more elegantly the political opposition, failed one after the other in their attempt to conquer the country. The Hungarian defense immune system has been and continues to withstand the mud well. That's why they had to think of new methods, there in the distant political workshops carving crosses. And we have to face it, they are getting closer and closer to the success they hope for. In order to achieve this goal, they took advantage of the waves of the disturbed international backwater and started even more sophisticated slyness, while Europe is boiling and its eastern border is literally loud with the sound of guns. Friendship alliances were shattered, just as the notes of "Polish-Hungarian two good friends" ran out of notes.

Let there be no doubt, the other solutions considered to be effective will come, relying on the hope of success. 

One of these was when, covering the eye of legality with a veil, the European Commission decided that Hungary was not entitled to the previously determined amount, which is approximately HUF 16 thousand billion EU funds. This money belongs to all member states as a subject right, since together with the other member states, Hungary also pays into the common coffers, from which the targeted subsidies are transferred. Of course, this does not bother those who are so sensitive to the rule of law, who hold the key to the European Union's vault in their hands. Neither is the fact that the victim of this dishonorable step is not the Hungarian government, but the entire Hungarian society. In the meantime, the vile army of Judeans - in the form of certain press workers and politicians - are popping ice-cold champagnes, saying: how well they have taught our country a lesson.

Another form of effective angle suitable for the cross is when, in addition to surrounding the international public opinion, crowds of people willing to shout "Barabás" are gathered within Hungary. Civil organizations trained abroad will mushroom in our country. The goal and the solutions assigned to it can be effective in their simplicity, because they try to "get" each person regardless of party affiliation. This will be the narrative, for example, during next year's local government elections: "Don't vote for a party candidate, but for a civilian candidate who really represents your interests." Well, not on a civilian in general, but on their chosen, funded and trained soldier. And if they succeed in doing so, our condemnation and the inevitable end will come from the "democratically" acquired position of power.

Against all this, the weakness of our defense is clearly shown by the fact that we have to borrow the weapons of our enemies in order to defend ourselves and repel their attacks. In today's modern world, the tools of effective combat are words, sentences and gestures, which require artillery cannons to display, i.e. the platforms of the Internet: YouTube, Facebook and similar interfaces that can reach a large number of communities. However, the opponent owns these "fighting tools". Although, in principle, they can be borrowed on a business basis, it is impossible that they would allow access at their own expense during real conflicts.

Just as Jesus had only the word of truth, love and forgiveness, and nothing that those who wanted to destroy Him possessed.

When all the nails in the wood are finished, and the crowd ready to shout has gathered in the market square, how can we, Hungarians, avoid death on the cross? That's the question today, Good Friday. Is it legal for the injustice to happen again, for which there has been no forgiveness for two thousand years? Are we really condemned to martyrdom here in the middle of Europe?

No! Because Jesus' example is about resurrection, as is his spirit and his unquestionable vision of human values. So, the imaginary cross intended for us remains empty, since there is no one among us to cry out "Barabas". Right?

Hungarian Nation

The author is a secret service expert and chairman of the board of trustees of the Protected Society Foundation

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