The child protection law is being challenged before the European Court of Justice, at the initiative of Brussels.
It is not only Germany that supports the EU procedure against Hungary's child protection law.
Népszava wrote .
The newspaper reported that the German and French governments, as the last applicants, indicated that they would join the procedure together.
"We saw the various press reports. It is clear to us: the Hungarian law violates EU law, fundamental rights and EU values. We took Hungary to the Court of Justice of the European Union, and now it is up to the Court to make a judgment.
We do not wish to comment on the steps of the procedure"
- the spokesperson of the European Commission answered the newspaper's inquiry.
Among the member states, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Denmark, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Slovenia, and the European Parliament have officially announced that they wish to strengthen the positions of the EC in the trial.However, the paper added that their joining does not have much legal significance. However, its symbolic importance is even greater.
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