True to tradition, the National Public University (NKE) is organizing the Ludovika Festival between May 11 and 13. family day holds many excitements for them.

One of Budapest's largest three-day spring festivals is once again waiting for those interested in Orczy Park. On May 11-12, the Ludovika Free University's program series will play the main role. During the two days, from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., lectures will be held at the Ludovika Campus by internationally recognized experts such as Edward N. Luttwak , senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, Ronald Reagan's former security advisor, Charles J. Vörösmarty , honorary doctor of the NKE , one of the world's most prominent hydrological experts, or Matláry Janne Haaland , professor of international politics, former Norwegian deputy foreign minister. Scott Donovan , director of the Budapest organization of the International Law Enforcement Academy, who worked as a special agent for the United States Secret Service for more than 20 years, will talk about US law enforcement trends , they can also personally meet, among others, Balázs Orbán , political director of the Prime Minister, Tibor Navracsics , Minister of Regional Development, Péter Sztáray , State Secretary responsible for security policy and energy security, and Ministerial Commissioner responsible for defense innovation, Brigadier General Imre Porkoláb the participants.

The preservation of tradition is important to NKE, one of the defining moments of which is the 100-day celebration held as part of the Ludovika Festival, which is the last step before the ceremonial inauguration on August 20. On Saturday, May 13, as part of the family day, the wider public can also gain an insight into the world of individual professions: we are waiting for those interested with military and law enforcement programs.

No festival without a party! The eventful Friday will be crowned by the evening concerts on the Tóparti Színpad, where András Áron, Konyha, 4S Street from Transylvania, and the Ullie band from Subcarpathia will perform. In the party tent, after the BSW concert, Milán Koósz, Cooky and JumoDaddy will play music, and on Saturday the children's concert will take center stage.

The event is free, but on May 11 and 12, participation in the free university programs and entry to the party tent requires registration!

More information is available on the festival's website.

Source and image: Ludovika Festival