Enlightening videos have already been made about eunuch identity.

A gender reassignment surgeon promoted the eunuch gender identity on TikTok and explained its naturalness. In recent years, voice transformation has become a bomb business, but many people later regret their decision.

The TikTok influencer surgeon, who advertises his services to young people on social media, has created a video promoting eunuch as an existing gender identity and claims that people who identify as eunuchs may benefit from the intervention.

Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher, a surgeon based in Miami, explains in the video that "a eunuch is someone who was assigned male at birth but may not be comfortable with masculine traits." Gallagher pointed out that these people can also benefit from sex-affirmation treatment, which in some patients means orchiectomy, i.e. the surgical removal of the testicles.

The surgeon classifies eunuchs as gender diverse individuals and explains to his young viewers that the latest standards of care published by the World Transgender Health Association (WPATH) devote an entire chapter to eunuch identity.

WPATH's decision to include eunuchs in chapter eight of its standards of care drew fierce criticism. The chapter even goes so far as to say that children can also identify as eunuchs.

There is also a site where castration fetishists share pictures and videos with each other.

“The Eunuch Archives is home to over 3,000 pieces of fictional child pornography detailing the rape, torture and killing of children. In some narratives, mutilated pubescent children are raped by doctors. In others, children are forcibly castrated as part of a sadistic sexual torture ritual,” Reduxx reported.

The voiceover craze has become a bomb business

The gender reassignment surgery industry is experiencing an unprecedented boom, expected to reach $5 billion by the end of the decade. According to a recent report by Grand View Research, the industry was worth $1.9 billion last year and is projected to grow at an annual growth rate of more than 11 percent through 2030 due to the rising prevalence of gender dysphoria and the increasing number of people opting for gender reassignment surgery.

The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh recently obtained footage of a doctor talking about how much money such surgeries make for hospitals. Chest reconstruction surgeries, which can also be performed on minors, can fetch up to $40,000, and surgeries related to female-male genital organs can fetch up to $100,000.

Many later regret the decision

By the way, studies show that 90 percent of young people who profess a transgender identity but are not encouraged to transition socially or medically no longer call themselves transgender in adulthood and do not want to change their gender. And Project Veritas recently published a video in which medical professionals associated with the World Association of Transgender Health Professionals talk about the fact that many young people who choose gender-affirming surgeries later regret their decision.

Dr. Daniel Metzger, an endocrinologist at the British Columbia Children's Hospital, also expressed his concerns in this regard.

Metzger explained that Dutch researchers have presented quite a few studies of young adults who have changed their gender and are suffering from reproductive depression, because they were castrated during the gender change, so they are unable to have children.

"It's always good to talk to a 14-year-old about fertility preservation, but I know I'm telling her about it unnecessarily," the doctor added. She pointed out that most teenagers don't think about these risks, and those who do want to go ahead with the surgery simply say they're going to adopt a child, without considering the costs and other restrictions that come with the process.

Metzger also lamented the fact that many who decide to have surgery as teenagers later wish they hadn't.

"I think now that I follow the journey of many young transgender people until their mid-twenties, I have to say that many people, when they find the right partner, they realize that they still want a child, but by then it's too late," added the doctor.


Featured image: “Generation Drag” from the Discovery+ series