Great joy has come to our country, Pope Francis will meet the Hungarians for the third time in a short time. Great preparations preceded the visit of the Pope, who is coming to Hungary for the second time, which the atheists, our opposition, do not like, because it raises the country's light.

Some Protestants don't like it either, because many of them don't understand the essence of the Catholic religion. The vocally anti-government liberal Catholic theologian did not look forward to the pope's arrival either, she thinks that the country is a mission area for the pope, because there is a lot of immorality here lately, which means the time of the right-wing government. All opposition newspapers try to downplay the importance of this far-reaching event, even though it is obviously a blessing for all of us.

The Pope came with the idea of ​​peace and ecumenism, this was evident in his speech, and many right-wing Protestants are happy about him. However, there are opponents who, just as the Jewish Pharisees once feared the one true faith in God from Jesus, now fear it from papal worship. This is because they do not understand the essence of the Catholic religion. What causes the misunderstanding?

The fact that Pope Francis, despite his pain, does not take painkillers, but instead offers his suffering to God, shows the Catholic spirit. In the fact that the faithful receive the Eucharist at the Sunday Mass through Pope Francis, and this is how it happens every day of the week in every Catholic church. In the fact that the Blessed Sacrament is present in every church and there is Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, as well as veneration of the Pope and veneration of Mary, there is the Catholic spirit, which is difficult for outsiders to understand.

Thus, Catholics are accused of being Pope worshipers and Mary worshipers, instead of worshiping the one true God. In connection with the papal visit, such comments appear under the pictures of the visit. How wrong they are, the defenders of "worship", just like the Pharisees once, who defended the faith against the Savior, led by Saul, who also fell from his horse and became blind when he met Jesus. His blindness indicated that he did not see the true light, that he could not see clearly, in his blindness, in order to protect the faith in God, he attacked Christ and his followers. There are also those who call out Pope-worshippers, Mary-worshippers and idol-worshippers.

The Pope is the successor of Peter for all time, to whom Jesus himself entrusted the Church. The task of the pope is to hold together the church that exists in all parts of the world and to preserve the faith, Jesus himself gave this mandate. Catholics are not pope-worshippers, but fulfillers of Jesus' command, admirers of the pope. It is already a human sin that, over the centuries, Christian groups separated and broke away from the Church. Thus, the idea of ​​ecumenism is correct as long as it does not want to abolish the Eucharist in the name of unity.

In his Carmelite monastery speech, Pope Francis praised the ecumenism in Hungary and the cooperation of different denominations. Good examples of this are the ecumenical days and the common Way of the Cross before Easter .

The same is the case with respect to Mary, which does not mean worship for Catholics. It is no coincidence that Pope Francis received an icon depicting Mary with the baby Jesus as a gift in the St. Stephen's Basilica. Catholics duly honor the Mother of God, who said Yes to God's request to give birth to the Savior of the world. Many anti-Virgin Mary and blasphemous theories, opinions, movies, were born according to us Jesus had brothers, Jesus married Mary Magdalene, and they had children. Of course, all of this is a lie, aimed at destroying faith and against the ideal of virginity, which is so important to God. Catholics do not idolize the Virgin, they only honor her as the virgin parent of the Savior, who always points to her Holy Son.

Catholics often do not even realize what a privileged position they are in. Theirs are the sacraments, including the priestly and papal blessing, theirs is the Blessed Sacrament where God's sacramental presence is present, and theirs is the Eucharist. It is not just a commemoration of Jesus, his body and blood, but through the priestly transformation they actually meet Christ at every communion. Whoever unworthily takes it to himself without confession, or by living a sinful life, eats his own judgment. From the consecrated hand of the priest, offering a tongue offering is the most worthy reception of Jesus. In other religions, only the Word of God, the Scriptures, is present, but there is no sacramental presence. Here is the continuity of religion, from the Old Testament patriarchs, to the ark of the covenant, in which the holiness of God was present to lead his people, from which the Savior would be born. Is it a coincidence? There is none, because God himself is the author of chance. The ark of the covenant "accidentally" disappeared when the Messiah came into the world. He suffered death on the cross for us, then rose again and founded the Christian Church. From then on, the holiness of God is found here, not in the Ark of the Covenant, but in the Blessed Sacrament and the Eucharist.

The head of the Church, Pope Francis, is visibly suffering, but he is not taking painkillers. Here is the Catholic spirit, which many do not understand. Anyone who wants to participate in the Resurrection, as Jesus rose gloriously, must also participate in the suffering, because Jesus also suffered on the cross .

The offering of all suffering resulting from fasting, illness, or other self-denial represents the Catholic spirit. Self-denials are usually offered for the conversion of others, for their spiritual salvation, and for the sake of the country. This includes the prayer and offering for peace.

Pope Francis is also a man of peace, this was evident from his speech in Carmelita. Our country is now completely in sync with this idea. It is also no coincidence that the Pope referred to our much-attacked Basic Law, three times. Since our Basic Law presents the heritage of Saint Stephen and protects the family against gender ideologies, Pope Francis also found this very sympathetic. He also mentioned the reception of the "adventures", which was once designated for us by St. István. He knows that we help Ukrainian refugees and persecuted Christians, which he appreciates.

The visit of Pope Francis is a great honor and a blessing for us, and we must ignore the words of detractors and misinterpreters.

Source: Hungary First

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