The conversational politician has a devastating opinion of the opposition.

Republikon Institute held a forum recently at the Magvető Café in Budapest. Andrea Virág , the strategic director of the organization, said at the event that

since the election defeat, the opposition has not been able to gather itself, while Fidesz has stabilized its dominant position

Mandiner based on Népszava .

also attended by Balázs Böcskei , the research director of the Idea Institute

Support is a clear measure of politics, the current opposition structure is unsustainable

Népszava quotes the political scientist .

Sámuel Ágoston Mráz , head of the Nézőpont Institute , then spoke about how the central power field has been restored with the strengthening of Mi Hazánk, which strengthens the positions of Fidesz. He noted that there was a serious risk for the governing parties in the transformation of utility reduction, as well as high inflation, but they succeeded in conveying the message that the crisis is of external origin.

There is still a lack of an opposition alternative

- concluded Sámuel Ágoston Mráz.

According to the head of the Nézőpont Institute, the Democratic Coalition realized that the party was hitting a glass ceiling because of Gyurcsány, and therefore

"he built his strategy not on expanding demand, but on narrowing the supply of the opposition".

According to the expert, one of the biggest disappointments was caused by Momentum, which had the chance to become the pole of the opposition, but it did not.

Tibor Závecz , Závecz Research , what the opposition lacks most is that, unlike Fidesz, it cannot create an emotional identification with the voters.

There is a permanent leadership crisis in most opposition parties"

he noted.

Balázs Böcskei continued that, in his opinion, there are too many opposition parties on the political spectrum.

During the next half of the evening, politicians continued their conversation, Ágnes Kunhalmi, co-president of the MSZP, noted at the beginning, according to reports, that the "socialist party is holding its front lines". DK representative Gergely Arató said of his own party that they are visiting the countryside and their party's support is growing.

Tímea Szabó expressed the greatest criticism of the opposition

"we are in a terrible situation".

According to the pro-dog Gergely Kovács, he personally prefers when there is no choice.