The Single Parent Center is launching a housing program for those parents who have become single and have financial difficulties in raising the initial costs incurred when moving into a sublet, the institution announced.

With the sublet subsidy - in the form of a two-month deposit and two to four months' rent - they provide support for the start of a new life up to a maximum of HUF 150,000/month gross per month, the Single Singles Center wrote.


housing is one of the areas where they haven't been able to provide help so far, which is why they consider the program a big step.

After the divorce, it is not only necessary to arrange life emotionally, but also to re-plan everyday life and now to give the children a new home alone, with less financial means, the organization pointed out.

according to their experience, there are single parents for whom this situation is "almost an impossible mission", since it is not enough to pay the current monthly rent, but you also have to have a security deposit equal to the additional two months' rent.

About 25 percent of single parents live with their grandparents, many live with friends, acquaintances, or family members because they cannot provide their family with independent housing

- drew attention to the Single Parent Center.

They explained: the affected needy families are given the opportunity in the program to become financially stronger during the support period, so that they can "stand on their own two feet" afterwards and cover their housing costs on their own. In the program, they can ensure a fresh start for at least 25 families, they said.

According to the center's website, the conditions for the sublet subsidy are an active One-Parent Card, a registered job, a notary-approved rental contract, and the family's monthly net income per person cannot exceed HUF 120,000.

The assessment of support applications will begin after the application deadline - June 18. Further details can be found on the website.

The Pest One-Parent Center opened in May 2018, and in the past five years, the center has reached more than 28,000 one-parent families with more than seventy different services, and in March 2022, the second One-Parent Center opened in Buda, next to the Déli railway station, the institution reminded.


Photo: MTI