We are lucky that there are still writers for whom nothing is sacred, who are able to attack the weeds with the full armament of the appearance of objectivity, who are defenseless because they do not want to defend themselves, and who pull off the non-existent veil from them.

It doesn't matter to them that they slander (in a very sly way, using their "objective" questions as a tool) whose little finger is worth more than our penman and all his "colleagues" combined, the important thing is that whoever is still clean should not be muddied by accident.

I would be ashamed to mention the name of the person who did exemplary work on the pseudo-conservative portal Válasz online. Great, demonstrating with statements disguised as questions, how to make negative judgments without making statements, to slander.

It would be a shame to quote the article, even if only in a small part, the point is to disguise the dialogue as a "major interview", to denigrate and cast suspicion on the Franciscan monk Csaba Böjte, the caretaker of orphans and children with a difficult fate. However, it is worth listing some of the penman's "well-intentioned" questions one after the other. To see how "objectivity" shines from them.


- Just thirty years ago, Déván accepted the first children, and today 84 institutions belong to the network of his foundation. Looking back, is there a point where you should have stopped expanding?  

- Yet Csaba Böjte is the head of the network.
If there is a problem, they always end up running to you - as can be seen from the scandal-exposing articles. - Were you able to fulfill your duties in the boarding homes, if their teacher could rape children in one of them for ten years and you did not notice?
– Did their former tutor, Kedves Szabolcs, who was sentenced to 28 years in force the other day, also go to these aptitude tests?
- However, the news was about the fact that he hired unqualified people based on his looks and knowledge of people.
Wasn't that a mistake too? – The indictment states that the investigation was initiated ex officio, you did not file the report.
"But you don't feel personally responsible?"
"So you don't see anything in retrospect that they should have done differently?"
"So it wasn't suspicious."
How much time did you spend there in a year? "Did you spend a night or two in the house then?"
"Let's just say it couldn't have been so difficult to arrange for everyone to smile as long as brother Csaba was there."
– When their teacher urinated in their mouths, they probably didn't smile.
- According to your claim, you don't feel that you made a mistake in the case of Mónika Máthé-Bogár, who became a victim of sexual violence in their house in Sovata?
He allegedly listened to the alleged rapist and the then 15-year-old girl at the same time eight years ago. "You don't believe the girl because she came to you from the state?"
- He didn't even turn to the authorities, even though according to a 2004 law, he should have, even in case of suspicion.
- If there was no violence, why did he immediately expose Jancsi, the manager of the house, and his wife?
Because he put it out. - The mistrust of colleagues is also mentioned in the article revealing the case, as well as - admittedly, anonymously - former students who report violence, beatings, and bad food.
"Does it look good to make a martyr out of yourself after such stories?"

– So in summary: how would you describe the past thirty years? The rise and fall of Csaba Böjte?

How benevolent is the author, isn't he? He just wants to clarify the situation, because suspect Böjte is in denial, but the interrogating officer is a professional, cornering the damned. Why did he have to deal with these children? Rather, he would have taken care of himself in line with the spirit of today. But no, this figure was consecrated to us here, so we will show that there are no saints, but even people with a pure soul. And if it does, not even then.

I would say that what our unnamed author did was disgusting, but that would be an overstatement. Let's just leave it at that: it's pathetic.

Author: Jr. György Tóth

(Header photo: Árpád Földházi )