The Polish conservative NGO Ordo Iuris - as its name suggests - fights for the protection of fundamental values ​​using the tools of the law. In their latest newsletter, President Jerzy Kwasniewski reported on their success at the UN.

“Last month, at the 56th session of the UN Commission on Population and Development in New York, representatives of the United States, the European Union and Canada tried to force support for abortion and vulgar sex education on all participants of the meeting. In an e-mail before the meeting, they informed the chairman of the meeting, the ambassador of Moldova, that they would not accept the final document if it did not include their demands.

This blackmail did not scare pro-life and pro-family activists, who strongly opposed the radical agenda during the debate.

The Ordo Iuris Institute took advantage of the consultative status of the UN to present our position to the participants of the conference. We reminded you that

the "reproductive and sexual rights" repeated in later UN documents are inconsistent with women's real rights and human rights.

And promoting abortion, contraception, and vulgar sex education as "women's rights" tends to ignore their real problems.

We also drew attention to the fact that the type C sex education recommended by the UN, which encourages children to "discover their own sexuality", is definitely less effective than the type A sex education implemented in Poland, which emphasizes sexual abstinence. Countries that implement "comprehensive sex education" as recommended by the UN have higher rates of abortion, sexually transmitted diseases and sexual crimes among teenagers than in Poland.

After all, the Moldovan ambassador sent the final draft of the decision to the delegations at 22:30 on the eve of the vote scheduled for the morning. The text contained previously rejected content during heated debates as well as parts of the text that had not been discussed at all before.

However, the defenders of life and family showed great determination. They met that evening to prepare for the morning vote.

The radicals lost this test of strength. Representatives of 22 countries rejected ideological blackmail.

As a result, the work related to the decision ended without the adoption of a final document or action plan. This victory shows that although global lobbyists for radical ideologies are in the majority among EU and UN officials, there is still considerable international opposition.”

Source: Ordo Iuris newsletter

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