Hungarian soldiers serving as part of KFOR forces are injured due to riots by Kosovo Serbs. This one sentence is a dream for the United States and Brussels, since we are too good with Serbia, it is time to destroy this good relationship - writes Zsolt Bayer in his latest publicist.

Let's look at the hard facts first:

"2008 On February 17, after months of negotiations with the government in Belgrade and the Kosovo Albanians failed, with the support of the majority of the United States of America and the European Union, which is under de facto military control of the territory, and in consultation with EU representatives, Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia.

According to some interpretations, the unilateral independence of the province violates UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which on June 10, 1999 recognized the territorial unity of the former Yugoslavia - of which today's Serbia is the legal successor.

Serbia and its main supporter, Russia, as well as some of the world's countries, do not currently recognize it as an independent state […].”

"In 2014, the Russian leaders of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea declared the so-called Republic of Crimea's intention to become independent from Ukraine, which was confirmed by a large majority in a referendum with disputed legitimacy on March 16. According to Russian reports, 95.7 percent of those who participated in the referendum cast their votes in favor of secession from Ukraine, while only 3.2 percent voted to remain. Just over one percent of votes were invalid. On March 16, after the publication of the referendum results, in accordance with Vladimir Putin's presidential decree "taking into account the will of the people of Crimea in the referendum held on March 16, 2014"

Russia recognized the Republic of Crimea as a sovereign and independent state, within which the city of Sevastopol has a special legal status.

On March 17, in the George Hall of the Moscow Kremlin, the president made an extraordinary speech to both houses of the parliament regarding the request for the annexation of the peninsula and the city of Sevastopol to the Russian Federation. On March 18, the Russian president approved the draft treaty aimed at the accession of Crimea."

It is good and useful to read these one after the other, because this is the only way to really see that according to the West - and primarily the declining empire, the United States - what is allowed for Jupiter, is not allowed for the little one.

But since we are talking about nations, countries, national sovereignties and human destinies, we can safely put it much more strictly, which is more appropriate in this case. In other words: if the West, including the United States, decides because it deems it good according to its perceived or real interests, then anywhere, any minority - which is the majority in the given area - can unilaterally declare its independence and get its own country, while the same is not the case elsewhere to the minority with the same status.

Already in the nineties, the West and the United States decided to punish Serbia and the Serbs

And the disintegration of Yugoslavia was not enough, the United States carried out terrorist bombings against Serbia, for which it had no authorization from anyone, but the United States does not need such a thing. The United States can commit anything anywhere in the world, the most despicable wars of conquest, crude assertion of interests, colonizations, "democracy exports", interventions in the internal affairs of independent, sovereign countries, from Korea and Vietnam to Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and all the way to Yugoslavia (Serbia) and As far as Kosovo. And the EU and NATO cover up and assist these villainies and crimes against humanity, of course only when and as long as they have nothing to do, because if, for example, Srebrenica had to protect the Muslim Bosniaks from the Serbs, then the Western forces stationed there are the Dutch under his leadership, they cowardly looked away and left, let what must happen happen.

The fact that the Albanian majority was able to unilaterally declare independence and separate Kosovo from Serbia with the help of the United States and the EU is a blatant act of villainy, not primarily on the part of the Albanian minority (the majority there), but on the part of the United States and the EU.

And that, after all this, they do not recognize the will of the Crimean Russian majority, expressed in a referendum, and dare to talk about the aggression of the Russians and Putin - I repeat: In the shadow of Kosovo! –, a continuation of the same outrageous villainy.

After clarifying all of this and taking all of this into account, we must examine the current situation in Kosovo. In such cases, it is best to always listen to the voice of the opposition media, because from them the darkest, meanest, most pharisaical voice of the United States and Brussels speaks to us.

Let's look at the events in Kosovo as presented by

"Twenty Hungarian KFOR soldiers were injured, several of them seriously, when a clash broke out in Zvecsán, Kosovo, between protesting Serbs and Hungarian KFOR soldiers who wanted to maintain order, first wrote based on information from diplomatic sources. […]

The Serb protests began on Friday, when the newly elected Albanian mayors of Zvecsán, Leposzavics and Zubin Potok tried to occupy their offices. The local Serbs did not want to let the new mayors into the municipal buildings, because they do not agree with the majority of Serb-inhabited settlements being led by Albanians, people who were not elected by them.

Early mayoral elections were held in four settlements in northern Kosovo on April 23, because the leaders of the settlements resigned in November due to a dispute between Serbia and Kosovo. The majority of Serbs boycotted the early election, so the participation rate was 3.47 percent, and based on the votes cast, the settlements will be led by Albanian mayors in the future. Neither the local Serbs nor Belgrade consider it acceptable that Pristina and the international community called the election, which took place with such a low turnout and boycott by the Serbs, legitimate.

Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia in 2008, but Belgrade has not been willing to recognize it since then, and continues to consider the area, which is mostly inhabited by Albanians, to be its southern province.

Hungarian soldiers serving as part of KFOR forces are injured due to riots by Kosovo Serbs. This one sentence is a dream for the United States and Brussels, because we are too good with Serbia, it is time to destroy this good relationship.

But why did riots break out among the Kosovo Serbs?

The reason is that even the Serbian-majority (almost 100% majority!) settlements in northern Kosovo will have Albanian mayors. Because in the "elections" boycotted by the Serbs and with a three percent participation (!), those Albanians were "elected" on the shoulders of the Serbs.

It is not enough for them that their country was simply ripped from them in 2008, now they do not even have the right to have their own mayors.

And of course the United States and Brussels recognize as legitimate the elections that took place with a three percent turnout, just as they sulk when Fidesz-KDNP wins with two-thirds with a seventy percent turnout, they sulk when Erdogan wins (yet) with a huge turnout. In such cases, the "rights defenders" and the relevant NGOs always come forward to express their concerns about the integrity of the elections, in which case they always smear everything with themselves, so that they cannot achieve anything else, but at least it stinks - but who cares about the rights of the Kosovo Serbs? Who cares about the independence and sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia?

It is in the (supposed) interest of the United States and Brussels that the Balkans remain a barrel of gunpowder forever, and then they will fish it out in the confusion.

There are riots in Kosovo's Serb-majority northern cities. The reason for the riots is clear, and what the Serbs are offended by is completely justified. According to some reports, Kosovo Albanian law enforcement forces fired live ammunition into the protesting Serbian crowd.

If the Hungarian police use a little tear gas to spray the stupid kids who provoke them, then there is a worldwide scandal and the "trampling of human rights in the mud". If Albanians shoot Serbs with live ammunition in Kosovo, which was illegally taken from them, then there is nothing to see, everyone should go about their business.

No one, ever, will care about the rightful demands of the Serbs (I hope so). Hungarian soldiers were also injured in the riots. The Serbian army was ordered to the border. All the scoundrels in the US and Brussels are rubbing their palms together.

This is where we are now. At least we should be sane and not fall for Western provocations. Now let's not let them join us with the Serbs.

Postscript: The Romanians are starting to get hysterical because the president of our republic attends the farewell ceremony in Csíksomlyo and then posts a line of the Székely national anthem, which is sung by hundreds of thousands of Hungarian pilgrims in the saddle.

Raise your hand who thinks the Romanian government is hysterical on its own!

Of course, they can be completely pointless and completely stupid on their own, but even more so if they are told that this is their job. And now the United States and Brussels are dictating to them. And the (supposed) interest of those villains is for us to be in trouble with all our neighbors. This is also always asked to be taken into account.

Hungarian Nation

Featured image:éter Mészáros