Someone could tell him that against three million Hungarians you can't build, you can only destroy. Or is that the purpose?

Listening to his speech, it is difficult to get rid of the thought that the relentlessness of this man is nothing but the eternal relentlessness of the Nazis and the Bolsheviks; fanaticism born of deep hatred, without rationality and humanity.

The leader of the DK is motivated by the same belief that exterminated well-defined groups of people on the basis of race in the case of one totalitarian system, and on the basis of class in the case of the other.

What he preaches, he preaches according to the same principle: according to him, 2.5-3 million people in Hungary today are guilty because they voted for the government. And for that, these people should be ashamed.

I don't really want to quote him here, if you want, you can watch the one-hour parade again - nobody should ask why it was broadcast live by HírTv - but I would like to highlight two paragraphs:

"Whoever says that the future of the school, the length of waiting lists, and the establishment of battery factories are not political issues, does not want to defeat, but rather convince Fidesz, and whoever wants to convince Fidesz wants to keep Fidesz," said Gyurcsány.

"And the system can only be replaced if we face the whole thing. There is no third way: either with him or against him. There is only one correct attitude: complete opposition to the government," he added, also sending a message to the supporters of Fidesz, because according to him, supporting this system is more than a crime: it is a shame.

"Shame on yourselves," he told 2.5-3 million people.

He also spoke about the fact that he does not consider his own party to be the opposition of Fidesz, but its opponent.

Presumably, he wanted to say enemy instead of opponent, so perhaps there is a point to the reasoning that also suffers from other logical fallacies. Well, he's a fool who looks for logic in relentlessness.

And then something dawned on me, around the tenth minute of the speech. A scene eerily reminiscent of the DK leader's mentality.

And this mentality is not about construction, no matter what it claims to be or what it wears. Because this mentality never focuses on the task to be solved, but on the person of the enemy. In his case, to that person, that party, and those 2.5-3 million people who keep stopping him from coming back to power again and again - at any cost. This mentality is only capable of destruction, because it never defines itself for something, but against something. Consequently, this mentality cannot lead to peace and prosperity under any circumstances.

Here is the iconic scene from the film classic Schindler's List (from 2:30 on the video):

"Herr Kommandant," says the Jewish architect to Amon Goeth, "the entire foundation, as it is, must be dismantled and re-concreted." If not, the least is that the south side of the barrack sinks a lot. First it sinks, then it collapses.

"Maybe you're an architect?" Goeth asks.

- My name is Diana Reiter, I graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Milan.

"Ah, so he's an educated Jew." Like Karl Marx himself.

"Untersturmführer," Goeth says to the Nazi officer standing next to him.


"Shoot him."

"Come on?" the officer is puzzled.

"Herr Kommandant, I'm just trying to do my job," says the architect in shock.

"Yes, me and mine," answers Goeth.

"But sir, he's in charge of the construction!" - continues the Untersturmführer.

"You don't think I'm arguing with him?" Goeth says.

- I understand. Come on.

"Wait, don't take him anywhere, shoot him here!" - instructs the officer.

The woman is pushed down into the snow, falls to her knees:

"Do you think this is the solution?" she asks as a gun is pointed at her temple.

"Maybe you're right," Goeth answers him, and then the Untersturmführer pulls the trigger.

"Tear it down, concrete it again and build it up," Goeth says, then turns around, but says back, "just as the girl said."

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