Péter Márki-Zay was the guest of ATV's Straight Beszéd program. The first half of the broadcast was about the highly publicized amendment of the Kata Act, in connection with which the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely said: Fidesz led the people because before the elections it accused the left of raising taxes, but after the elections it took the step itself, - reported mandiner.hu

According to Márki-Zay, it is a lie that people are being protected, because "in the end, they always pay the price for Orbán's failed policy".

Péter Márki-Zay/Source: ATV-YouTube/Previous recording

Péter Márki-Zay/Source: ATV-YouTube/Previous recording

In the second half of the program, they also asked about the emerging "new conservative party".

"Now the focus is not on ideological issues, but on the credible alternative. It can also be seen from the lessons of the mid-term elections,

that the current opposition parties cannot offer a suitable alternative," said Márki-Zay.

When the presenter remarked that Márki-Zay was also a part of this, the former prime minister-designate responded with an exclamation of "What is that?", and then continued by saying that "the biggest lie of Fidesz" was that the opposition would send soldiers to Ukraine, in comparison "there is now a photo of Viktor Orbán sending soldiers to Ukraine, since General Romulus visited the battle line".

This was already too much for Emília Krug, the presenter called Márki-Zay's sentences a slip.

“No, sorry. I tell facts, they lied. At the same time, I'm not saying that one soldier is the military," said Márki-Zay.

Source: Mandarin

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