According to world-renowned sociologist Frank Füredi, the central parties of the EU - the Greens, Socialists and Liberals - fear that their opponents will make significant progress.

As reported by Civilek.Info , the EP voted against our country. Frank Füredi, the managing director of MCC Brussels, made a statement in this regard.

He explained

"the organizers of the constitutional coup are determined to achieve their goal by any means, that is, to prevent Hungary from rightfully taking over the presidency of the European Union due in the second half of 2024".

As he said, the plan to deprive Hungary of the presidency is more than a simple attempt to humiliate "this small Central European nation".

Here's how it goes: The EP showed its form again, they voted that Hungary is unfit for the consecutive presidency

European bureaucrats are rightly worried about the outcome of next year's European Parliament elections.

"It is likely that one of the consequences of these elections will be a change in the political composition of the parliament. The EU's central parties - the Greens, Socialists and Liberals - fear that their opponents will make significant progress. The Hungarian presidency will start right after these elections, and they fear that this will cause them further problems"

- explained the world-famous sociologist.

"The fact that a group of members of the European Parliament stood up to an oligarchic autocratic group, determined to cut the power of the Hungarian government, is a danger to all member states that are committed to national interests. Their authoritarian ambitions pose a significant threat to the EU's rule of law," stated Frank Füredi.


Featured image: Frank Füredi's Facebook page