The European Parliament openly questioned the European Council's procedure based on unanimously adopted decisions, even though it has no legal basis for this, and cannot. Written by László Bogár.

The European Parliament, although it had no right to do so, "decided" to declare Hungary ineligible for the current consecutive presidency in the second half of 2024. With this, the European Union's governance system "stepped to the next level", because with this unprecedented step, the European Parliament openly questioned the European Council's procedure based on unanimously adopted decisions, even though it has no legal basis for this and cannot do so.

It can only do all this because the entire governance structure of the European Union has been on a degenerative slope for decades, one of the most visible manifestations of which is that the European Parliament, operated as an agent network of the global power system, using the governance institutions of European integration as a weapon, terrorizes the European Commission and increasingly the European Council itself. The European Council, which is the only "legislative" body of the European Union in terms of its governing essence, as opposed to the European Parliament, which has the concept of "parliament" as a fatal error or rather usurps it.

This degenerative process, that is, the suicidal submission of Europe as a whole to the destructive energies of the agonizing American empire, can only be so fast and fatal because, according to the signs, nothing is stopping the self-liquidating energies of the ruling structure.

In the light of all this, it is completely understandable that more and more people believe that the time has come for Hungary to leave the European Union, that is, we should initiate Huxit, just like the Hungarian exit, which many have already made the subject of public discourse after the British exit was called Brexit. is commonly called in the global discourse.

The temper is understandable, but it cannot be saved, at least not until we are able to draw a true balance of our membership following a calm and objective analysis, which, despite appearances, would not be an easy task at all.

Mainly not because the entry was not preceded by any analysis capable of uncovering a real deep structure.

The several tons of documents that were produced on the subject during the decade and a half between 1989 and 2004 only touched the operational technical surface of the issue, and could not, and in fact did not want to, confront the deep structure of the global power embeddedness of our membership. Just as there was no discussion about the real nature of the global power dictate under the cover of "regime change", because the question of what the "new system" consisted of was not even interpretable, so the question of European Union membership is only primitive ideological preconditions, and the so-called "experts" in the global meta-language could only have been a thin wash of the "truths" of operational technical wall protection. And now this murky disgusting juice flows back to us, or to quote a now less mentioned classic: Die ganze Scheiße kommt zurück.

Therefore, if we really want to think seriously about exiting the European Union sine ira et studio, then first of all this extremely difficult, complex and delicate work should be done at least afterwards.

In order for any exit intention to be taken seriously, one would have to face the global power-economic dependence system in which the thing that we call Hungarian society and economy operates, without knowing the real nature of this complicated dependence system and the resulting long-term historical consequences.

The assumption seems to be well-founded that our subjection to and dependence on global economic and financial power would not only not end with withdrawal, but would probably even get worse, because then we would no longer have any formal organizational-institutional order at our disposal.

The global power economy is a complex system where all (even the most powerful) actors are part of some kind of integrative structure, i.e. there is no empty space, we have to be part of some system of dependence even if we don't want to face it, the kind of "independence" that anyway, in our rightful temper, we often desire, as we imagine it, it certainly does not exist.

It is an undoubted fact that this per definition "world" war is now brutally reshaping this global power economic system, but that is precisely why very thoughtful decisions should be made now, because for now there is not a single narrative that would be able to predict decades in advance what kind of in an integrative complex, we would have a more advantageous position than the place we occupy today in the European Union.

The expected main trend undoubtedly predicts the decline, even disintegration, of the American empire and, in parallel, the rise of China, but as of now, hardly anyone has a well-founded idea of ​​what kind of conflicts, at the cost of what sacrifices, and how it will affect Europe as a whole.

And there is also a very sensitive element of this issue that directly affects us. The essence of this is that the American empire destroyed the German-Russian cooperation system based on mutual benefits, on which the "regime change" of this Middle Europe was based. It can be said that the automatic historical result of this is that a new regional central power complex stretching from the Baltic to the Balkans will be built with Polish dominance in the "vacuum" left by the significantly weakened Germany and Russia, incorporating Ukraine and Romania. This is bad news for us in itself, and if it affects us outside the EU, it is even worse.

Hungarian Newspaper