Describing the mayor of Budapest is not an easy task. The spiritual patriots say that he is a Pharisee. In the words of Anna Jókai, phariseeism is actually a defense technique. "The Pharisee holds the appearance of truth like a papier-mâché mask in front of his face, he is comfortable and lazy, satisfied with himself, he applauds and orders, he feels good about his excellence, he is stuck in the delusion of completion."

The citizens of Budapest see in disbelief that Gergely Karácsony does not recognize the truth. For example, that painting bike paths is not a work of art, but more of a counter-work. Planting a bee pasture is not a brilliant conservation idea either. Driving the capital into economic bankruptcy is not exactly an economic feat.

He is a man who is led by the hair of Ferenc Gyurcsány, who is famous for his lies. He is stuck in his ego. He feigns innocence, unable to confess his crimes. The fact that the by-product of Gyurcsányism is a heavy burden for the capital.

A few days ago, it was revealed again that he is politically illiterate. He declared that Hungary is at war with Russia. He professes ignorance, he does not recognize that we, Hungarians, must stay out of the Russo-Ukrainian war. Our spiritual community has succeeded so far. Standing on the side of peace with a sober attitude. We welcome hundreds of thousands of refugees from Ukraine in solidarity. We support those who stay put.

On the other hand, Gergely Karácsony, who was installed in Brussels with Benedek Jávor at the expense of taxpayers, together with Gyurcsányne, who leads the opposition there, are selling out our country by scorning their own country. They seek to overthrow our legitimate government. They are calling for the withholding of EU funds.

Fortunately, the mayor shouted a one-man declaration of war on the airwaves. Perhaps even the aggressor does not take this seriously. In any case, we hope that the Russian drones and missiles do not attack us amid the wailing of sirens.

We have to ask the question, can this be tolerated? Bankruptcy in the capital, in the European Union with the help of Karácsony, repeating lies against the Hungarian people, a liberal, fascist attack. No other country has an opposition that, in its hunger for power, has openly become an enemy of its own people.

An open fraternity with the money bag György Soros, a pact with the dollar left, and the scattering of 214 billion Tarlós budget inheritance are on the mayor's list of honors.

Half-finished investment trunks with overpaid financing. It is possible that we will wake up tomorrow to find that he has announced a chase race for buses and cyclists on the Chain Bridge.

The people of Budapest are asking how he had the audacity, taking into account his official status, to announce a residents' meeting in a correspondence course with the intention of taking a census.

Rural residents are shocked to see that the solidarity tax due to poorer municipalities is illegally withheld. He is putting the country into debt with a series of loans, without consulting the citizens.

There is no end or length to proving incompetence.

In the end, let's not forget that he also sold himself, he became a servant of the DK and opposition politicians for a living living in the City Hall. It is up to the people of Budapest how they will decide the fate of a disaster in June 2024.

I am announcing that, on the initiative of our spiritual defenders, with the support of the private sector, we will soon launch a nationwide poster campaign. Introducing the pro-war politicians.

Let's make eye contact with them!

Author: László Csizmadia, chairman of the CÖF-CÖKA board of trustees
