Today, we see a USA intoxicated with fentanyl and tranquilizers, exposed to the terror of drug addicts and criminals, with a broken infrastructure, and an astonishingly divided USA. However, we need the USA to remain the leading power of the Western world.

"Since the US replaced the British Empire, it has increasingly resembled its predecessor. He rejected his revolutionary, plebeian origin myth. It has become an aristocratic republic, where new presidents increasingly come from presidential dynasties, while their family members become celebrities and political figures, following the example of the British royal house.

The elected representatives of the people pass their mandates on to their children through generations and become more and more casteist.

The meritocratic principle, which guaranteed the strength and performance of the USA, has been replaced by positive discrimination, which constantly turns off quality assurance by favoring new "victim" groups.

The pragmatic, business-oriented, economy-focused character of the USA is now on the verge of disappearing, replaced by the well-known ideological control from communism. Progressivism has become the main commandment, ideological indoctrination is reminiscent of the "enthusiastic" period of the fifties of the socialist camp.

The USA, similar to the former British world empire, is fighting permanent wars all over the world. To name just a few: in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, the Balkans, Ukraine.

It interferes everywhere, it interferes everywhere.

It exports democracy, creates chaos, organizes colorful revolutions and tries to Americanize. They once conveyed to the world the promise of freedom, opportunities, and a successful society of free people free from birthrights.

We called it the American Dream.

Today, we see a USA intoxicated with fentanyl and tranquilizers, exposed to the terror of drug addicts and criminals, with a broken infrastructure, and an astonishingly divided USA. It cannot secure its borders, it cannot maintain order in its cities, it cannot or does not want to curb crime.

American dream

Stock photo

The elite are not at all concerned by all this, because all their energy is tied up in hating and mutually impeding each other. The USA was dragged down into the swamp by the deep state ruling over it. He can only ensure his survival through more and more wars. Without an external enemy, it would fall to pieces long ago. These new and new enemies are supplied to them by their British masters.

They have been in the business of pretending to the blood of others, including the Americans, that they still matter for a hundred years.

Well, no.

England is an insignificant island nation on the brink of disintegration, without industry, production, innovation, or self-sufficient agriculture.

Only his arrogance and face are old.

Really annoying.

The USA is using all its power to maintain its hegemony. He can't turn back time though. The emergence of a multipolar world order is already underway. We should acknowledge this and start adapting to the changed conditions, getting the most out of them.

We need the USA

Because we need the USA. To remain the leading power of the Western world. However, for this he would have to get himself in order, he would have to return to the values ​​for which we admired and envied him. And above all, he should get off the hook of British imperialism.

It should once again become the land of freedom, meritocracy, pragmatism, the cult of performance, and fairness, and it should abandon the project of turning the whole world into a re-education institute. Nobody needs that.

It would be for the American dream.”

Mária Schmidt's entire article can be read on the Látószögblog!