My whole youth was spent thinking about when we would finally be freed from the communist Soviet rule, when we would be part of the educated West again, and we happily rushed to the polling booths to vote for our entry into the EU. Me too. Who would have thought it would turn out to be this?

From a bunch to a bucket.

And now we are standing here with our broken dreams, with our disappointment that we are almost in a worse situation than during the suppression of SZU!

At that time we knew exactly who the first secretary of the Soviet Central Committee was, the unfortunate half-dead Comrade Andropov, we just laughed at him (and look, what is happening in the USA now? A demented, unaccountable old man stands as a puppet at the head of the states so that the background power can do what it wants he wants, because Biden doesn't even know where he is, where the exit is, but it can be used perfectly to start a war in Europe in accordance with the interests of the USA, who knows how many since World War II...), and everyone was just waiting for SZU to collapse.

Collapsed. What a joy it was! At least for us...

Then the approx. In 20 years, our high hopes for the EU have slowly but surely dissipated. We sobered up that the whole thing was a huge scam, no matter how they wanted Eastern Europe to catch up, to develop, to consolidate democracy, a big freak! They got our markets in return for our membership, they pushed out their billions of profits with a wheelbarrow, while laughing at us.

Now they want to colonize us ideologically, to dictate how we should live, with whom we should live together.

They don't even give a semblance of democracy, since two member states, us and the Poles, vetoed the distribution of migrants, yet they want/will introduce the mandatory migrant quota...

On what basis? Can the EU's basic law, the Treaty of Lisbon, be thrown into the corner just like that?

They withhold the money due to us, they fool us with their constant breach of duty procedures, but they commit as much illegality as they want without consequences. We know that the EP has built a background network that prevents corruption, abuses, illegal deals from being proven, see Ursula's sms vaccine business, Greek Kaili's embezzlement of millions, just to mention the latest ones... What if not another "occupation", political terror, blackmail?

And do they tell us about democracy deficit, corruption, dictatorship, and educate us about the rule of law?

These are the ones who put up a statue of Marx???

Who are these few hundred bought people in Brussels, who decide over the heads of 450 million people at American expectations, that they cannot be ordered to stop? Do we stand idly by as they destroy Europe???

Author: Ködszürkáló

Cover image: Illustration / Photo: REUTERS/Francois Lenoir

(The opinion expressed in the article and published on reflects the position of the blogger)