Raise your hand, who would entrust their child to strangers on the beach for up to half an hour while waiting in line for a hot dog? Nobody? And which of us would ask an EU commissioner to read a fairy tale about the love of a prince and a knight to our little girl with pigtails?  

As long as we are unable to make this request, let us rejoice, because it means that we preserve normality at the "ends"! Let them not waver in this faith for a minute, let's persevere to the end! Don't be discouraged for a minute, there was a time when the Hungarians saved Europe from itself! And now it's our turn again!

The guests of the Civil Academy were clinical psychologist Melinda Hal, senior researcher of the MCC Learning Research Institute and jr. Constitutional lawyer Zoltán Lomnici, spokesperson of CÖF-CÖKA.