A Ukrainian journalist proposed a plan for the complete Ukrainization of Subcarpathia. According to Denis Kazansky, it is not difficult to find 10-15 thousand people who would be willing to move to Transcarpathia, "there will be thousands of residents from the former Bahmut alone". Ukrainize on the grounds that the Hungarian government has once again vetoed the subsidies to be provided to Ukraine.

The solution is really obvious. In Transcarpathia, the construction of apartments for internally displaced persons who lost their homes due to the war and occupation must begin. In addition, the relocation of businesses to cities and towns with a particularly significant proportion of Hungarian population must also be helped. Thus, the ethnic composition of the region changes, but no one's rights are violated

- stated the Ukrainian journalist, who says that it is not difficult to find 10-15 thousand people who would be willing to move to Transcarpathia.

"There will probably be thousands of residents from the former Bakhmut alone." The problem of workplaces can also be solved. Today, many industries are moving from the east to the western regions. And a safe city close to the EU border is the best place to relocate a business. By the way, the large factory Furlender in Kramatorsk, which manufactures equipment for wind power plants, recently moved to Transcarpathia, Denis Kazansky added, and then stated that Transcarpathia in general is a very undervalued region, despite the fact that it is close to the European Union and it is the safest place in Ukraine.

Only 112 thousand people still live in Ungvár. It is the smallest regional center. I am sure that the population could easily increase to 300,000 with adequate state support

the journalist remarked.

Regarding the plan, György Dunda, the newspaper director of Kárpáti Igaz Szó, reacted on Facebook:

Ukrainian journalist Denisz Kazinsky came up with a brilliant idea to solve the problem of Transcarpathian Hungarians. In response to Péter Szijjártó's statement on Ukraine on Monday, the dear colleague working at RBK-Ukraine in Kyiv said the truth: hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and refugees must be resettled in the multi-ethnic Transcarpathia. He writes in his community post that it is enough to relocate 10-15 thousand inhabitants to Beregszász and the Hungarian case is already solved. In his argument, he states that if the state builds residential buildings for its own citizens, it does not violate any minority rights, but at the same time it settles the nationalities once and for all.

Dunda also drew attention to the fact that, in the case of organized resettlement, the Ukrainian journalist would pay close attention to the fact that the new residents typically arrive in areas inhabited by Hungarians in one block.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Front page photo: National conquest monument in Vereck, which is sometimes painted by Ukrainian nationalists. Photo: Béla Varga / MTI