Like this:

"Good morning, neighbor Viktor!"

- God help, Orsolya. Also, Mrs. Mayor.

"How are you always?"

- I'm fine. Tell me, why are you spreading all kinds of lies about us?

"I don't!" I'm just saying what I hear from your acquaintances. For example, that he beats his wife and children. That you are a dictator.

"Who says that?"

- Well, Ms. Klára and Pista, who is in a new place, and then there's Marci as well.

"Doesn't it bother you that they are the ones who want to chase us out of the village?" If you listen not only to them, but also to my family, you would realize that I always ask them what they want and what they don't want. By the way, I never laid a single finger on them.

– As you ask, it's not democracy, it's just populism. Listen to what I say, the democrat who listens to me is the democrat. Anyone who doesn't is a dictator.

"Do you think?" But why did you come to me?

"For a little money."

"For a loan?"

– For a voluntary donation that will be required to be paid.

"And what about the money he owes me?" You know, the loan we took out together for the playground, but I haven't received my share of the rest yet.

"He won't, as long as he's so exclusive." Then we will examine whether he is finally willing to show solidarity and let one or two needy people into his house. If you take three nuclear scientists and two heart surgeons from me, we can talk about money, but not a word until then.

– I will take it over if they ask in writing to come to me and if they are also willing to reveal who they are and where they came from.

"You know very well that none of them can write, and it doesn't matter where they come from." It is humanity's command to accommodate them.

"And where do nuclear scientists and heart surgeons work?"

"You just don't expect a refugee to work?" Don't ask questions, just feed and drink them and be happy to help.

"Well, these illiterate scientists and doctors have already attacked half the village!"

"They have mental problems, so be understanding with them."

"No one sets foot here!" I have to protect my family!

– If you don't accept them, you still have to pay for their care, this is what solidarity and humanity demand.

"Then what should I pay for if you withhold the money that would benefit me?"

- Take out a loan. Solve it.

"The village has money, why not use it to feed and drink them?"

"He had money, but he doesn't anymore." Sold out.

"Is it out of stock?" But what did you spend it on?

"This and that." What was needed. For example, there was this mosquito invasion, we bought 20 automatic back scratchers.

"Really, where are the bills?"

"What's that for?" I lost it somewhere. I ordered it via text message, but the text messages were absorbed. Don't bother with it, the point is to scratch.

- I also heard that he gave a lot of money to the mayor of the neighboring village, that Vology. The one who keeps threatening to take his rifle and be at my house in a few hours if I don't enthusiastically support his admission to the police. Meanwhile, it distracts our children from the playground. What we built from the loan we took out together and the rest of which you still owe me.

"But petty, how selfish!" Where is the solidarity? Volyya is annoyed by children's noise. Let your kids play on the banks of the ditch.

"Well, I've had enough of this!" Do you want anything else?

"I already said, a voluntary and obligatory donation." A lot, because we also have to help the neighboring village, and then I also need that money to be able to provide for my family. We need to replace the Rolls Royce, it is already a two-year veteran, and we also need to travel to see the world. There's a couple of luxury cruises and stuff. So are you paying?

"I don't remember."

- OK, then you can put a cross on the money you get from the loan, and I will start proceedings against you because you are breaking your obligation.

"Try it and get out of here now!"

"See?" Here is the proof that you are a dictator! Okay, I'll go, but you're on your own! Oh, and soon you will be visited by three bearded men in skirts. Or a woman, that's not clear yet.

- We?!!

"They bring the wind of the new times." The daughter is explained why it is natural to imagine herself as a boy, and the son is shown why it is good to continue living as a girl and how to give birth. Happy, huh? They can finally start the path of development. And neighbor, the money! Don't forget the money!

Author: Jr. György Tóth

Featured image: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher